Assigning a different document class

Draft comment:
This topic is shared by ICS, Filenet 5.5.10. As of: 2023-05-10

You can assign a different class to existing document objects. For example, you might add a document and assign it a document class of Manuals because you intend it to be a chapter in an installation manual. Later, you find the document is better placed in your training materials and change the document class to Courseware. Later still, you decide to remove it from the manual and make it a Technical Notice, which has its own document class of Tech Notes®.

Assigning a different class does not:

  • Change the security permissions that the original document class directly applied to that document object. You can change the security by editing the security lists of the document object.
  • Cause the content of existing document objects to be moved. The default storage area and storage policy of the new document class apply only to new instances of the class.

You can also browse the existing versions of a document to examine the history of the class assignments for the document. If your saved searches use the former document class as a search parameter, you might no longer find the document.