IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2            

DITA Publishing

IBM® FileNet® P8 DITA Publishing provides a DITA-based information development solution that is built upon the following IBM FileNet P8 functionality:

Because DITA Publishing is built upon core IBM FileNet P8 functionality, it can be easily customized. For example, you can add support for a DITA specialization, write a specialized query, or develop your own publishing application. See Working with DITA Publishing for examples.


DITA Documents

As with other document content, DITA files are stored in IBM FileNet P8 as Document objects. The Document class is extended to include subclasses that represent topics (DitaBase), maps (DitaMap), and processing profiles (DitaVal). The DitaBase and DitaMap classes have a rich set of metadata that maps to key DITA elements and attributes to provide a powerful query capability. The base DITA-specific document subclasses are shown in the figure below.

The DITA Document class hierarchy, showing the Document class and its subclasses: DitaBase, DitaMap, and DitaVal.


The DitaBase class contains metadata that is common to all of the standard DITA information types (concept, glossentry, reference, task, and topic). The DITA Classifier assigns the DitaBase metadata values based on element and attribute nodes extracted (using XPath) from DITA topics and maps. The DitaBase class is further subclassed to represent specific DITA information types, as shown in the figure below.

DitaBase Class Diagram


The DitaMap class contains metadata that is common to all DITA maps. The DitaMap class is further subclassed to represent the DITA bookmap specialization, which provides metadata that represents collections of DITA topics organized as a book. Using XPath, the DITA Classifier retrieves the <map> (or <bookmap>) element's id and title attributes and assigns them to the DitaMap class' DitaId and DitaTitle properties. If the DITA map uses the bookmap specialization, the map is added as a DitaBookMap object and additional properties are assigned by the DITA Classifier. The DitaMap and DitaBookMap classes are shown in the figure below.

DitaMap Class Diagram


The DitaVal class represents a DITA processing profile. The IBM FileNet P8 Publish Style Template Manager searches for objects of this type to identify processing profiles stored in the IBM FileNet P8 system.

DITA Relationships

DITA relationships are tracked using IBM FileNet P8 compound documents. The ComponentRelationship class is extended to represent the different types of DITA relationships, as shown in the following figure.

DITA Relationship Classes

The ComponentRelationship subclasses are defined as follows:

Using XPath, the DITA Classifier parses a DITA topic or map file to identify relationships and creates corresponding relationship objects. See DITA Classifier for more information on this process.

The following figures show the default types of relationships that can be created between DITA maps or topics and other Document objects in an IBM FileNet P8 system. If needed, you can add other component relationship types to support your specific DITA publishing requirements. See Setting Up a DITA Project.

Note: The label "DitaBase" refers to any one of the DitaBase subclasses (DitaConcept, DitaGlossEntry, DitaReference, DitaTask, or DitaTopic).

DITA Map Relationships

A DitaMap object supports three types of component relationships: DitaConref, DitaMapref, and DitaTopicref. These relationships can link a parent DitaMap object to a child content fragment, submap, or topic (DITA, HTML or PDF file).

DITA Map Relationships

DITA Topic Relationships

A DitaBase object supports the following types of component relationships: DitaConref, DitaImageref, DitaLinkref, and DitaXref. These relationships can link a parent DitaBase object to a child content fragment, image, link destination, or cross-reference destination.

DITA Topic Relationships

Using DITA Component Relationships

The Document class defines the following properties for retrieving ComponentRelationship objects or the documents to which they are bound.

Using these properties, you can find all of a parent component's direct child components, and all of the parent components that reference a child component. The DitaBaseref subclasses (DitaConref, DitaImageref, DitaLinkref, DitaMapref, DitaTopicref, and DitaXref) allow queries to be limited to a specific type of relationship. For example, you can define a query that, from a child component, finds all parent objects that reference a specific conref (as identified by the DitaElementId property).

DITA Classifier

DITA Publishing provides a custom classifier that plugs into the IBM FileNet P8 document classification framework. When a DITA file is checked in with the AUTO_CLASSIFY option set, the DITA Classifier does the following:

  1. Assigns a document class (based on the root element of the DITA file).
    Note: If the document exists and the correct document class is assigned (as determined by the document root element), the classifier does not reassign the document class. Therefore, if the root element did not change, non-DITA properties that you might have set are not overwritten when the document is checked in. However, if you manually modified any of the DITA-specific properties, those properties are updated to match the corresponding values in the DITA document.
  2. Assigns values to the document's DITA-specific properties (based on DITA elements and attributes).
  3. Creates component relationship objects for child references (xrefs, images, links, etc.). If a referenced object doesn't exist, the classifier creates a 0-length stub file with a major version number of 0 and a minor version number of 1 (along with any containing folders that do not exist).

Document Classification

The first task the DITA Classifier performs is document classification. The classifier looks at the root element of the DITA topic to determine the appropriate document class to assign. The default mappings are shown in the table below.

Root Element Document Class
<bookmap> DitaBookMap
<concept> DitaConcept
<dita> DitaBase
<glossentry> DitaGlossEntry
<map> DitaMap
<reference> DitaReference
<task> DitaTask
<topic> DitaTopic

DITA-specific Document Properties

Once the document class is determined, the DITA Classifier uses XPath to retrieve key metadata defined in the document's elements and attributes. The metadata is specific to a particular object type (DitaBase, DitaMap, or DitaBookMap). You can customize the classifier to add or remove support for properties, depending on your DITA publishing requirements. See Setting Up a DITA Project.


If the document is a topic (subclass of DitaBase), the following properties are retrieved.

Note: If the document class is DitaBase (and, therefore, the document's root element is <dita>,) the classifier doesn't retrieve any properties from the document. This is because a DITA document whose root element is <dita> can contain multiple concepts, tasks, topics, etc.
Property Datatype XPath
DitaId string /*/@id
DitaTitle string /*/title/text()
DitaNavTitle string /*/titlealts/navtitle/text()
DitaSearchTitle string /*/titlealts/searchtitle/text()
DitaKeywords multi-value string //keyword/text()
DitaAuthors multi-value string //author/text()
DitaAudiences multi-value string //audience/@type
DitaCategories multi-value string //category/text()
DitaBrands multi-value string //brand/text()
DitaProdNames multi-value string //prodname/text()
DitaPlatforms multi-value string //platform/text()


If the document is a generic DITA map (DitaMap), the following properties are retrieved.

Property Datatype XPath
DitaId string /map/@id
DitaTitle string /map/@title


If the document is a bookmap specialization (DitaBookMap), the following properties are retrieved.

Property Datatype XPath
DitaId string /bookmap/@id
DitaTitle string //mainbooktitle/text()
DitaSearchTitle String //booktitlealt
DitaKeywords multi-value string //bookmeta/keywords/keyword/text()
DitaAuthors multi-value string //bookmeta/author/text()
DitaPublishers multi-value string //publisherinformation
DitaAudiences multi-value string //bookmeta/audience/@type
DitaCategories multi-value string //bookmeta/category/text()
DitaProdNames multi-value string //bookmeta/prodinfo/prodname//text()
DitaBrands multi-value string //bookmeta/prodinfo/brand/text()
DitaPlatforms multi-value string //bookmeta/prodinfoplatform/text()

Component RelationshipClassification

The third function of the DITA Classifier is to create ComponentRelationship objects that represent references to child objects. The DITA Classifier identifies relationships based on XPath values as shown in the following table.

Type Class XPath Notes
content fragment DitaConref //@conref A DitaConref object is created for each conref attribute that links to another file in the current information set. If the content reference and content fragment are in the same file or if the content fragment is external to the current information set, no relationship is created.
image DitaImageref //image/@href If the image is external to the current information set, no relationship is created.
link DitaLinkref //link/@href If the link destination is in the current file or in a file external to the current information set, no relationship is created.
map reference DitaMapref //topicref[@format="ditamap"]/@href A DitaMapref object is created for each topicref element whose format attribute is set to "ditamap".
topic reference DitaTopicref //topicref[@format!="ditamap"]/@href If the resource is external to the current information set, no relationship is created.
cross-reference DitaXref //xref/@href If the cross-reference destination is in the current file or in a file external to the current information set, no relationship is created.

By default, the classifier assigns the following ComponentRelationship property values. You can customize these properties to support other behavior. See Compound Documents for more information on these ComponentRelationship properties.

Property Default DITA Classifier value
ComponentCascadeDelete NO_CASCADE_DELETE
ComponentPreventDelete ALLOW_BOTH_DELETE
ComponentRelationshipType DYNAMIC_CR
CopyToReservation FALSE
  • The classifier currently truncates to 64 characters all of the strings that it extracts from DITA elements and attributes. This is the default size assigned to string properties in IBM FileNet P8. For instructions on changing this value, see Setting Up a DITA Project.
  • New relationships are created for each document version. So, for example, when a new version of a topic is checked in, the classifier assigns the document class, properties, and relationships for the new version. (The old version's document class, properties, and relationships remain intact.)

DITA Query

Using the classes and properties described in DITA Documents and DITA Relationships, you can write sophisticated queries that support content retrieval and reuse. Some example queries are listed below. See Searching for DITA Metadata for a code example that demonstrates how to execute the queries using the Content Engine API.

Determine if a content fragment is referenced.

This query retrieves a single content reference (conref) ComponentRelationship row (including specializations of DitaConref) that references a given content fragment element ID and child document.

    SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM DitaConref 
    WHERE ChildComponent =OBJECT('{GUID}') 
    AND DitaElementId = 'x' 

Determine if a topic is referenced by a map.

This query retrieves a single topic reference (topicref) ComponentRelationship row (including specializations of DitaTopicref) that references a given child document and topic ID.

Note: If the child document contains only one DITA topic, the AND clause is not required.
SELECT TOP 1 id FROM DitaTopicref 
    WHERE ChildComponent =OBJECT('{GUID}') 
    AND DitaId = 'some-id' 

Return all topics authored by the same user.

This query retrieves the most recent version of DITA topics (tasks, concepts, etc.) where the given user is specified as an author.

SELECT id FROM DitaBase 
    WHERE user IN DitaAuthors 
    AND IsCurrentVersion = true

DITA Publishing

DITA Publishing allows a customer-installed instance of the DITA Open Toolkit to be used as a Rendition Engine. For additional information about the DITA Open Toolkit, see DITA Open Toolkit Project Home.

DITA Publishing is integrated into the IBM FileNet P8 publishing framework as follows:


Last updated: October 2013

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