Importing data

After data files are exported from the collector, they reside in a special location on the aggregator until the aggregator appliance executes an import operation to decrypt and merge all data to its own internal database. The Data Import process is scheduled only on an aggregator, or a central manager in a smaller system.

Before you begin

The collector that sends the data and the aggregator to which it is sending data must have the identical System Shared Secret. If not, the aggregator that receives the data cannot to decrypt the exported file and the import fails. For more information, see About System Shared Secret.

About this task

Import has no default schedule. Schedule it to start after export is complete. To avoid the possibility of importing files that have not completely arrived, the aggregator does not import files that have changed in the last two minutes. You can define one import configuration for each Guardium unit.

Purge can be configured on either the Archive or Export GUI pages.

Do not run more than once a day unless you have a good reason for doing so. For example, data from one or more collectors arrived after an import run. In this case, click Run Once Now to import the additional data.

To stop a scheduled import, clear the Import data checkbox. You cannot stop an import after clicking Run once now.


  1. Go to Manage > Data Management > Import
  2. Define the import frequency, by day or by month.
  3. Define the Repeat schedule