DataPower Gateway only[V5.0.1 or later]


Use the Validate JWT security policy to enable the validation of a JSON Web Token (JWT) in a request before allowing access to the APIs.

The jwt-validate policy has the following structure:
- jwt-validate:
  title: title
  description: description
  jwt: json_web_token
  output-claims: output_full_set_of_jwt_claims
  iss-claim: issuer_claim
  aud-claim: audience_claim
  jwe-crypto: decrypt_crypto_object
  jwe-jwk: decrypt_crypto_jwk_variable_name
  jws-crypto: verify_crypto_object
  jws-jwk: verify_crypto_jwk_variable_name
The following table describes the policy properties:
Table 1. Validate JWT policy properties
Property label Property name Required Description Data type
Title title Yes The title of the policy.

The default value is jwt-validate.

Description description No A description of the policy. string
JSON Web Token (JWT) jwt Yes Context or runtime variable that contains the JWT to be validated.

The default value is: request.headers.authorization. However, if this property is not set, the policy looks for the JWT in the request.headers.authorization location by default.

Note: The format of the authorization header must be:
"Authorization: Bearer jwt-token"
where jwt-token is the encoded JWT.
Output Claims output-claims Yes Runtime variable to which the full set of claims that are contained in the JWT is assigned.

The default value is:

Issuer Claim iss-claim No The Pearl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) to use to validate the Issuer (iss) claim. string
Audience Claim aud-claim No The PCRE to use to validate the Audience (aud) claim. string
Decrypt Crypto Object jwe-crypto No The cryptographic object (a shared key or certificate) to use to decode the claim.1 string
Decrypt Crypto JWK variable name jwe-jwk No Runtime variable that contains the JWK to use to decrypt the JWT.1 string
Verify Crypto Object jws-crypto No The cryptographic object (a shared key or certificate) to use to verify the signature.2 string
Verify Crypto JWK variable name jws-jwk No Runtime variable that contains the JWK to use to verify the signature.2 string


The following is an example of a jwt-validate policy:
- jwt-validate:
    title: jwt-validate
    jwt: request.headers.authorization
    iss-claim: "'^data.*'"
    aud-claim: "'^id.*'"
    jwe-crypto: jweCryptoObjectName
    jwe-jwk: jwe.jwk
    jws-crypto: jwsCryptoObjectName
    jws-jwk: jws.jwk

      - jwt-validate:
          title: validate_jwt
          jwt: jwt
          version: 1.0.0
          iss-claim: apic
          jwe-jwk: hs256-enc-key
          jws-jwk: hs256-key

For more information about how to use a jwt-validate security policy, see Validate JWT (jwt-validate) in the built-in policies section.

1 A JWK and a Crypto Object are both valid ways of providing the cryptographic data necessary to decrypt the JWT. However, if both data types are specified, only the Crypto Object is used.
2 A JWK and a Crypto Object are both valid ways of providing the cryptographic data necessary to verify the JWT. However, if both data types are specified, only the Crypto Object is used.