[V5.0.8 or later]


From API Connect Version onwards, you can run the reset_locked_host command to show you the IP addresses of all the clients that have made failed login attempts, on a per site basis. You can then clear the failed login attempts from specific or all IP addresses.

The following help text is displayed when you run the command followed by -h:
Usage: reset_locked_host [-s] [-l [sitename]] [-r sitename hostIP/-a]

Shows the IPs of all clients that have made failed login attempts, on a per site basis.
Allows the clearing of failed login attempts from specific IPs (or all IPs)

  -s get a list of portal sites by url (run this first if you're not sure of the site name to use with -l/-r options)
  -l show failed login count from all IPs per site, either for all sites, or for sitename if sitename is provided.
  -r reset the failed login attempts to 0 for sitename and host IP. -a means all host IPs