
All IBM® Integration Toolkit and runtime commands that are provided on distributed systems are listed, grouped by function, with references to command details.

Some commands can be run only on the computer on which the integration node is running, and other commands can be run remotely. For more information, see Administration security overview.

For information about the equivalent commands on z/OS®, see Summary of commands on Linux, UNIX, Windows, and z/OS systems.

IBM Integration Toolkit commands

Command name Topic reference
mqsiapplybaroverride mqsiapplybaroverride command
mqsicreatebar mqsicreatebar command
mqsicreatemsgdefs mqsicreatemsgdefs command
mqsicreatemsgdefsfromwsdl mqsicreatemsgdefsfromwsdl command
mqsireadbar mqsireadbar command

IBM Integration Bus commands

Table 1. Integration node commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsiaddbrokerinstance mqsiaddbrokerinstance command
mqsiapplybaroverride mqsiapplybaroverride command
mqsibackupbroker mqsibackupbroker command
mqsichangebroker mqsichangebroker command
mqsicreatebroker mqsicreatebroker command
mqsicreateexecutiongroup mqsicreateexecutiongroup command
mqsideletebroker mqsideletebroker command
mqsideleteexecutiongroup mqsideleteexecutiongroup command
mqsimode mqsimode command
mqsireadbar mqsireadbar command
mqsireload mqsireload command
mqsiremovebrokerinstance mqsiremovebrokerinstance command
mqsireportbroker mqsireportbroker command
mqsirestorebroker mqsirestorebroker command
Table 2. Database commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsimanagexalinks mqsimanagexalinks command
mqsisetdbparms mqsisetdbparms command
mqsireportdbparms mqsireportdbparms command
Table 3. Security commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsichangeauthmode mqsichangeauthmode command
mqsichangefileauth mqsichangefileauth command
mqsireloadsecurity mqsireloadsecurity command
mqsireportauthmode mqsireportauthmode command
mqsireportfileauth mqsireportfileauth command
mqsisetdbparms mqsisetdbparms command
mqsisetsecurity mqsisetsecurity command
mqsiwebuseradmin mqsiwebuseradmin command
Table 4. Start and stop commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsistart mqsistart command
mqsistartmsgflow mqsistartmsgflow command
mqsistop mqsistop command
mqsistopmsgflow mqsistopmsgflow command
Table 5. List and trace commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsichangetrace mqsichangetrace command
mqsiformatlog mqsiformatlog command
mqsilist mqsilist command
mqsireadlog mqsireadlog command
mqsireporttrace mqsireporttrace command
Table 6. Migration commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsimigratecomponents mqsimigratecomponents command
Table 7. Properties commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsichangeproperties mqsichangeproperties command
mqsireportproperties mqsireportproperties command
Table 8. Monitoring commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsichangeflowmonitoring mqsichangeflowmonitoring command
mqsireportflowmonitoring mqsireportflowmonitoring command
Table 9. Statistics commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsichangeflowstats mqsichangeflowstats command
mqsichangeresourcestats mqsichangeresourcestats command
mqsireportflowstats mqsireportflowstats command
mqsireportresourcestats mqsireportresourcestats command
Table 10. Policy commands
Command name Topic reference
mqsicreatepolicy mqsicreatepolicy command
mqsichangepolicy mqsichangepolicy command
mqsireportpolicy mqsireportpolicy command
mqsideletepolicy mqsideletepolicy command
mqsiattachpolicy mqsiattachpolicy command
mqsidetachpolicy mqsidetachpolicy command
Table 11. Callable flows commands
Command name Topic reference
iibcreateswitchcfg iibcreateswitchcfg command
iibswitch iibswitch command
Table 12. Miscellaneous commands
Command name Topic reference
iib iib command
mqsiAssemblyInstall mqsiAssemblyInstall command
mqsicacheadmin mqsicacheadmin command
mqsichangeflowuserexits mqsichangeflowuserexits command
mqsicommandconsole mqsicommandconsole command
mqsicreateconfigurableservice mqsicreateconfigurableservice command
mqsicvp mqsicvp command
mqsideleteconfigurableservice mqsideleteconfigurableservice command
mqsideploy mqsideploy command
mqsiexplain mqsiexplain command
mqsipackagebar mqsipackagebar command
mqsipushapis mqsipushapis command
mqsireportflowuserexits mqsireportflowuserexits command

Summary of commands on Linux, UNIX, Windows, and z/OS systems

The following table summarizes the runtime commands that are available on Linux®, UNIX, and Windows systems, and provides the z/OS equivalent, where it is available.
Command on Windows platforms, Linux, and UNIX systems z/OS equivalent: type z/OS equivalent z/OS References
mqsiapplybaroverride Utility JCL BIPOBAR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsibackupbroker Utility JCL BIPBUBK Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsicacheadmin Utility JCL BIPCCAD Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsichangeauthmode Utility JCL BIPCHAM Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsichangebluemixreporting Utility JCL BIPCHBR Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changebroker
  1. mqsichangebroker command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsichangefileauth Utility JCL BIPCHFA Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changeflowmonitoring
  1. mqsichangeflowmonitoring command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changeflowstats
  1. mqsichangeflowstats command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changeflowuserexits
  1. mqsichangeflowuserexits command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsichangeproperties Utility JCL BIPCHPR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsichangeresourcestats Utility JCL BIPCHRS mqsichangeresourcestats command
mqsichangetrace Console command: modify changetrace mqsichangetrace command
mqsicreatebroker Utility JCL BIPCRBK Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsicreateconfigurableservice Utility JCL BIPJADPR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsicreateexecutiongroup Utility JCL BIPCREG Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsicvp Not applicable    
mqsideletebroker Utility JCL BIPDLBK Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsideleteconfigurableservice Utility JCL BIPJADPR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsideleteexecutiongroup Utility JCL BIPDLEG Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. deploy
  1. mqsideploy command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsiexplain Utility JCL BIPEXPL Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsiformatlog Utility JCL BIPFMLG Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. list
  1. mqsilist command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsimanagexalinks Not applicable    
mqsimigratecomponents Utility JCL BIPMGCMP mqsimigratecomponents command
mqsimode Utility JCL BIPMODE Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsipackagebar Utility JCL BIPPACK Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsipushapis Utility JCL BIPPAPIS Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireadbar Utility JCL BIPRBAR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireadlog Utility JCL BIPRELG Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireload Console command: modify reload mqsireload command
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reloadsecurity
  1. mqsireloadsecurity command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireportauthmode Utility JCL BIPRPAM Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireportbluemixreporting Utility JCL BIPRPBR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireportbroker Utility JCL BIPRPBK Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireportfileauth Utility JCL BIPRPFA Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reportflowmonitoring
  1. mqsireportflowmonitoring command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reportflowstats
  1. mqsireportflowstats command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reportflowuserexits
  1. mqsireportflowuserexits command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireportproperties Utility JCL BIPRPPR Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsireportresourcestats Utility JCL BIPRPRS mqsireportresourcestats command
mqsireporttrace Console command: modify reporttrace mqsireporttrace command
mqsirestorebroker Utility JCL BIPRSBK Contents of the integration node PDSE
mqsisetdbparms Utility JCL BIPSDBP mqsisetdbparms command
mqsisetsecurity Not applicable    
mqsi_setupdatabase Not applicable    
  1. Console command: start
  2. Console command: modify
  1. Standard MVS™ start command
  2. startcomponent
  1. -
  2. mqsistart command
mqsistartmsgflow Utility JCL BIPSTMF Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: stop
  2. Console command: modify
  1. Standard MVS stop command
  2. 'p' stopcomponent
  1. -
  2. mqsistop command
mqsistopmsgflow Utility JCL BIPSPMF Contents of the integration node PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. webuseradmin
  1. mqsiwebuseradmin command
  2. Contents of the integration node PDSE