Exporting Results to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Files

You can export results to a Microsoft Word , PowerPoint, or Excel file. You can export selected items or all items in the Viewer. This section uses the files msouttut.spv and demo.sav. See the topic Sample Files for more information.

Note: Export to PowerPoint is available only on Windows operating systems and is not available with the Student Version.

In the Viewer's outline pane, you can select specific items that you want to export or export all items or all visible items.

Figure 1. Viewer
Frequencies tables in Viewer
  1. From the Viewer menus choose:

    File > Export...

    Instead of exporting all objects in the Viewer, you can choose to export only visible objects (open books in the outline pane) or those that you selected in the outline pane. If you did not select any items in the outline pane, you do not have the option to export selected objects.

    Figure 2. Export Output dialog box
    The Export Output dialog box.
  2. In the Objects to Export group, select All.
  3. From the Type drop-down list select Word/RTF file (*.doc).
  4. Click OK to generate the Word file.

When you open the resulting file in Word, you can see how the results are exported. Notes, which are not visible objects, appear in Word because you chose to export all objects.

Pivot tables become Word tables, with all of the formatting of the original pivot table retained, including fonts, colors, borders, and so on.

Figure 3. Pivot tables in Word
Pivot tables shown as Word tables.

Charts are included in the Word document as graphic images.

Figure 4. Charts in Word
Charts shown as metafiles in Word.

Text output is displayed in the same font used for the text object in the Viewer. For proper alignment, text output should use a fixed-pitch (monospaced) font.

Figure 5. Text output in Word
Text output shown as fixed-pitch font in Word.

If you export to a PowerPoint file, each exported item is placed on a separate slide. Pivot tables exported to PowerPoint become Word tables, with all of the formatting of the original pivot table, including fonts, colors, borders, and so on.

Figure 6. Pivot tables in PowerPoint
Pivot tables shown as Word tables.

Charts selected for export to PowerPoint are embedded in the PowerPoint file.

Figure 7. Charts in PowerPoint
Charts shown in Microsoft PowerPoint window

Note: Export to PowerPoint is available only on Windows operating systems and is not available with the Student Version.

If you export to an Excel file, results are exported differently.

Figure 8. Output.xls in Excel
The output.xls file opened in Excel.

Pivot table rows, columns, and cells become Excel rows, columns, and cells.

Each line in the text output is a row in the Excel file, with the entire contents of the line contained in a single cell.

Figure 9. Text output in Excel
Text output shown as a cell in Excel.
