Abstract for JES3 Diagnosis

This information supports z/OS® (5650-ZOS).

Purpose of this information

This information provides information for debugging JES3 and installation-written extensions of JES3. It describes the tools that JES3 users can use for debugging. This information is specifically designed for installations running z/OS.

Who should read this information

This information is intended for system programmers and IBM® service representatives or anyone who is responsible for diagnosing and correcting problems in JES3. Users of this information must have a working knowledge of JES3 functions.

How to use this information

This information contains information used by the system programmer for diagnosing JES3 problems.

This information is divided into the following topics:
  • Diagnosing, Resolving, and Reporting JES3 Problems
    Discusses a general methodology for diagnosing JES3 problems and includes topics about:
    • Collecting an exact description of the problem.
    • Gathering relevant system supplied data.
    • Determining the system's status.
    • Publications that assist in diagnosis.
    • Recommendation for using JES3 dumps and Dump Core.
    • Viewing the contents of a dump
    • Viewing the JES3 control blocks
    • Types of problems in JES3 and associated address spaces.
    • Abends in JES3 address spaces
    • Miscellaneous JES3 problems areas
    • JES3 system abends in user address space
    • Problems in the FSS address space
    • Problems in the JES3DLOG address space
    • Problems in the JESXCF address space
    • Problems in the BDT address space
    • Typical JES3 problems and their resolution
    • Job related diagnosis
    • Reporting a problem to IBM.
  • General Diagnosis
    Discusses facilities and tools used for general system diagnosis. This discussion includes the format of trace tables and use of JES3 diagnostic facilities, such as descriptions of:
    • JES3 Trace Tables
    • FSS Trace Output
    • SNA RJP Trace Output
    • Dump Job Traces
    • Output Service Output
    • Networking Logging Facility
    • IOERR Output
    • GTF Trace Output
    • Job Validation SNAP Output
  • Using IPCS to View JES3 Information

    Discusses using the interactive problem control system (IPCS) to diagnose JES3 problems.

  • JES3 Formatted dump

    Discusses how to identify areas in a formatted dump of a JES3 or C/I Functional Subsystem (FSS).

  • JES3 Monitoring Facility

    Provides a description on how system programmers can use the JES3 Monitoring Facility (JMF) to obtain statistical data of the system.

  • Reading a JMF hardcopy report

    Provides a description of the JMF hardcopy report and a description of how to generate a report using SMF records.

  • JES3 Recovery
    Describes the following recovery procedures:
    • JES3 and C/I Functional Subsystem Failsoft
    • Alternate CPU Recovery
    • Reconfiguring a Processor Complex
    • Checkpoint/Restart
    • Restarting JES3 After a Failure
    • JES3 Checkpoint Data Sets
    • Dynamic System Interchange
    • BSC RJP Recovery
    • Recovering from Output Writer Functional Subsystem Failures
    • Recovering from SAPI Failures
    • Recovering an IBM 3480 Tape Drive for a Stand-Alone Dump
    • Recovering from Spool I/O Errors
    • Recovering from C/I Functional Subsystem Address Space Failures