Content of SERVER data set

The SERVER data set contains information about a TCP/IP connected host running an FTP or HTTP(S) server. See Syntax rules for XML statements for a description of the general syntax rules that apply to this data set.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram<SERVERhost="host namehost ip address"user=" userid"account=" account information"port=" port number"pw=" password">PACKAGE</SERVER>


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram<PACKAGEfile=" filename"hash=" hash value"id=" identifier"></PACKAGE>
specifies the start of SERVER data. This tag is required.
The attributes for the <SERVER> tag are:
identifies the FTP or HTTP(S) server from which a package is to be received. The host attribute must specify either:
host name
a fully qualified internet host name that can be resolved by the domain name system to an internet address. A host name is a text string up to 255 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), period (.), and minus sign (-). Periods are allowed only as delimiters within domain style names. No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name. No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be a letter or a digit. The last character must not be a minus sign or period.
host ip address
an internet address defining the host's location on the internet. The internet address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. An IP address can be up to 255 nonblank characters, excluding the reserved XML characters, < (X'4C'), > (X'6E'), double quotation mark (X'7F'), and ampersand (X'50').

One host attribute specifying either a host name or a host IP address is required. The host attribute value must be enclosed in quotation marks

specifies a user ID that will give you access to the host machine. This attribute is a text string up to 80 characters of any type and must be enclosed in quotation marks. If anonymous logins are accepted by this host, specify user="anonymous". Although the user attribute is optional for SMP/E, a user ID might be required by the host server.
specifies the account information for the specified user ID. This attribute is a text string up to 80 characters of any type and must be enclosed in quotation marks. The account attribute is optional.
specifies the port number to be used for TCP/IP operations on the specified host. The port number must be a decimal number in the range 1 through 65535. This attribute value must be enclosed in quotation marks. The port attribute is optional.
specifies a password value that will give you access to this host. This attribute is a text string up to 80 characters of any type and must be enclosed in quotation marks. Although the pw attribute is optional for SMP/E, a password might be required by this host.
Note: Use system facilities to restrict access to the data set named on the SERVER operand to ensure the security of the password value.
specifies the end of SERVER data. This tag is required.
specifies the start of PACKAGE data. All data about the package to be retrieved from this SERVER follows this tag and precedes the </PACKAGE> tag. This tag is required. Only one PACKAGE tag may be specified within the SERVER data.
The attributes for the <PACKAGE> tag are:
specifies the full name and path of a package attribute file. This file contains a list of all the files that are to be transmitted by this RECEIVE command, as well as information about those files. The path can contain 1 to 266 characters of type X'40' through X'FE'. The file attribute value is required and must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies the 40 character hexadecimal representation of the 20 byte SHA-1 hash value of the package attribute file. The hash attribute value is required and must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies a 1 to 50 character value assigned to identify the package by the SMP/E user. This value is used to name the subdirectory within the SMPNTS directory where the transferred files are staged. The value can contain any character from X'41' through X'FE', except a slash ("/"). The id attribute value is required and must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies the end of PACKAGE data. This tag is required.