Reason codes
Table 1 lists and describes the reason codes that are typically returned after the CEATsoRequest API processes a request. Additional reason codes might also be returned from services that obtained an unexpected error. Those reason codes are not listed in the table.
Hexadecimal Reason Code | Equate Symbol, Meaning, and Action |
1000 | Equate symbol: CEATSOMSGQSERVICEFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: z/OS® UNIX message queue processing failed. Action: Ensure that the CEA started task is TRUSTED. For more information about the RACF® TRUSTED attribute, see the topic on associating started procedures and jobs with user IDs in &icha200t;, and the topic on using started procedures in &icha700t;. |
1001 | Equate symbol: CEATSONOUSERIDFOUND Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: An input user ID value was expected, but not received. Action: Specify a user ID. |
1002 | Equate symbol: CEATSOMATCHMISSING Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: A user ID was expected, but not found in the session table. Action: Ensure that the user ID, STOKEN, and index specified are valid. |
1003 | Equate symbol: CEATSOSTOKENMISSING Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: An input STOKEN value was expected, but not received. Action: Specify a STOKEN. |
1004 | Equate symbol: CEATSOINDEXOUTOFRANGE Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: Input table index is too big or too small for the session table. Action: Specify a valid index. The index for the TSO/E address space should be between 1 and 2000. |
1005 | Equate symbol: CEATSOStartFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: CEA could not create a TSO/E address space. Action: Ensure that sufficient system resources are available to create the TSO/E address space, and verify that the user is authorized to create address spaces. |
1006 | Equate symbol: CEATSOATTNFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: CEA could not issue a TSO/E attention interrupt. Action: Check the diagnostic codes to obtain additional information, and correct any errors. |
1007 | Equate symbol: CEATSOENDFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: CEA could not end a TSO/E address space. Action: Check the diagnostic codes to obtain additional information, and correct any errors. |
1008 | Equate symbol: CEATSOQUERYFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: An attempt to query the session table failed. Action: Ensure that the input values you specified are valid. If the input values are valid, check the diagnostic codes to obtain additional information. Correct any errors. |
1009 | Equate symbol: CEATSOQUERYAPPFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: An attempt to query the session table for the TSO/E sessions that are associated with a specific application failed. Action: Ensure that the application identifier you specified is valid. If the application identifier is valid, check the diagnostic codes to obtain additional information. Correct any errors. |
100A | Equate symbol: CEATSOPINGFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: Ping processing failed. Typically, this error occurs when the ping request is not issued from the security environment where the TSO/E address space was started or the user is not authorized to the application identified when the TSO/E address space was created. Note that the TSO/E address space is started or reconnected to using the security environment of the caller. If there is task-level security, it is used for the address space. Otherwise, the address space security environment is used. The user tokens (UTOKENs) from both environments are saved and are used to verify subsequent requests. Action: Issue the ping request from the security environment that was used when the TSO/E address space was started, and ensure that the user is authorized to the application specified when the address space was created. |
100B | Equate symbol: CEATSOENDSENDLOGOFFFAILED Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The CANCEL command was issued to end the TSO/E address space because the LOGOFF command failed. Action: None. |
100C | Equate symbol: CEATSOBadAmode Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The call was invoked in the wrong AMODE. AMODE 64 is required. Action: Invoke the API in AMODE 64. |
100D | Equate symbol: CEATSODisabled Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The dispatchable unit is not enabled. Action: Ensure that the dispatchable unit is enabled. |
100E | Equate symbol: CEATSONotTaskMode Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The CEATsoRequest API was not invoked under task mode. The dispatchable unit mode must be task. Action: Ensure that the dispatchable unit is a task. |
100F | Equate symbol: CEATSOFRRSet Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The CEATsoRequest API was invoked under a functional recovery routine (FRR). No FRRs are allowed. Action: Ensure that no FRRs are invoked in your environment. |
1010 | Equate symbol: CEATSOLocked Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The caller is holding a system lock. No system locks are allowed. Action: Release the lock. |
1011 | Equate symbol: CEATSOXMMode Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The CEATsoRequest API was invoked while running cross memory mode, which is not allowed. The API must be invoked in primary mode. Action: Invoke the API in primary mode. |
1013 | Equate symbol: CEATsoReqStructFieldBad Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: Input provided for a field in the CEATsoRequestStruct structure is not valid. Action: To identify the field that is not valid, see the diagnostic codes. |
1014 | Equate symbol: CEATsoBadQueryEyecatcher Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The eye catcher specified for the query structure is not valid. The expected value is CEAYTSOQ. Action: Specify CEAYTSOQ as the value for the eye catcher field. |
1015 | Equate symbol: CEATsoBadQueryVersion Meaning: Error occurred during CEATSOREQUEST processing: The version specified for the query structure is not valid. Action: Specify a valid version number. The version numbers allowed are specified in the ceaytsor.h header file. |