0 | — | Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeOk
Meaning: Successful completion.
None required. |
4 | — | Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeWarning
Meaning: Successful completion, unusual conditions
noted. |
4 | xxxx0405 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeGoalNoMonEnv
Meaning: System is in goal mode but the input monitoring
token indicates no monitoring environment was established, hence MVS™ did not receive the information.
Action: None required. |
4 | xxxx0409 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNoConn
Meaning: Connect token does not reflect a successful
Connect. The system did not receive the information (applies to both
goal mode and compatibility mode). No SYSEVENT TRAXFRPT was issued.
Action: None required. |
8 | — | Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeInvocError
Meaning: Invalid invocation environment or parameters. |
8 | xxxx080C | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeMonEnvLacksData
Meaning: Input monitoring environment does not contain
the necessary information.
Action: Ensure
that the monitoring environment was established with the necessary
information. |
8 | xxxx080E | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeArrTimeGTEndTime
Meaning: Input arrival time later than end time.
Action: Check for possible storage overlay of the
parameter list or variable. |
8 | xxxx0820 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadMonEnv
Meaning: Input monitoring environment does not pass
short form validity checking.
Check for possible storage overlay. |
8 | xxxx0821 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadConn
Meaning: Input connect token does not pass validity
Action: Check for possible storage
overlay. |
8 | xxxx082D | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeExStTimeGTEndTime
Meaning: Execution start time greater than execution
end time
Action: Check for possible storage
overlay of the parameter list or variable. |
8 | xxxx0840 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeServiceNotEnabled
Meaning: Caller's space connection is not enabled
for this service.
Action: Avoid requesting
this function under the input connection. IWM4CON options must be
specified previously to enable this service. |
8 | xxxx087E | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeRoMonEnv
Meaning: Input monitoring environment is report-only.
Action: Avoid calling this function for report-only
monitoring environments. |
8 | xxxx0894 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeInvalidEWLMCorr
Meaning: Passed correlator information (EWLM_CHCORR,
EWLM_PACORR, or EWLM_CHCTKN) did not pass validity checking, that
means: the architected ARM correlator length field in the first two
Bytes of the correlator (token) is either less than 4 ('0004'x) or
greater than 512 ('0200'x).
Action: Check
the specification of the correlator information. |
8 | xxxx0895 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeEWLMServNotEnabled
Meaning: The service is not enabled because the
caller invoked the IWMCONN service with EWLM=NO.
only when connected with EWLM=YES. |
8 | xxxx0897 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeTranStatusInvalid
Meaning: Passed work request completion status is
not valid.
Action: Check the EWLM ARM
interface specification for valid completion status values. |
C | — | Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeEnvError
Meaning: Environmental error. |
C | xxxx0C02 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeReportingSusp
Meaning: SYSEVENT TRAXFRPT invoked, but reporting
is temporarily suspended for one of the following reasons:
- RMF™ workload activity reporting
is not active
- There is no installation control specification (IEAICSxx parmlib
member with RPGN specified for some subsystem other than TSO) in effect.
No data reported but a later reissue could be successful.
Action: Invoke the function when
the conditions are alleviated. |
C | xxxx0C03 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeSyseventNoWorkElt
Meaning: SYSEVENT TRAXFRPT invoked, but no work
element was available to save the input information.
Action: Invoke the function when the conditions
are alleviated. This condition may be due to a common storage shortage
condition. |
C | xxxx0C05 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeRptNoWorkElt
Meaning: Report routine invoked, but no work element
was available to save the input information.
Invoke the function when the conditions are alleviated. This condition
may be due to a common storage shortage condition. |
C | xxxx0C06 | Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNoEndTime
Meaning: No end time was supplied to the service
and STCK gave a non-zero condition code.
No action required. |