Working with resource groups

To define a resource group, choose option 3 on the Definition menu. Define a name, a description (optional), a resource group type (1, 2, or 3), a minimum and/or maximum capacity. Associate the resource group with a service class in the service class panel. Figure 1 shows a Create a Resource Group panel.

Figure 1. Create a Resource Group panel
   Resource-Group  Notes  Options  Help
                          Create a Resource Group

 Enter or change the following information:

 Resource Group Name  . . . . . ________  (required)
 Description  . . . . . . . . . ________________________________

 Define Capacity:

 __  1.  In Service Units (Sysplex Scope)
     2.  As Percentage of the LPAR share (System Scope)
     3.  As a Number or CPs times 100 (System Scope)

 Minimum Capacity . . . . . . . ______
 Maximum Capacity . . . . . . . ______

Command ===> _________________________________________________________

As with a workload, once you have created a resource group, any other time you choose the resource group option from the definition menu, the application displays a selection list. From here, you can modify your resource group description, as well as print, and browse it.