Using the menu bar

A menu bar at the top of every panel shows the actions you can take on that panel. Press F10, or the Home key on some terminals, to move the cursor to the beginning of the menu bar from any position on a panel.

Figure 1 shows an example of the menu bar on the Definition menu.

Figure 1. Menu Bar on the Definition Menu
   File  Utilities  Notes  Options  Help
                              Definition Menu

To select an action, use the Tab or cursor movement keys to position the cursor on your choice, then press ENTER.

When you select an option on the menu bar, WLM displays a pull-down with choices related to the option you selected. While a pull-down is displayed, only the actions in the pull-down or on the menu bar are available. For example, if you select a pull-down and the option you want is not listed in it, you can select another pull-down on the menu bar.

To select an option in a pull-down, type the number of your choice in the action field and press ENTER. You can also use the cursor movement keys to position the cursor on your choice, then press ENTER. Figure 2 shows an example of the pull-down choices on the File option on the Definition Menu.

Figure 2. Definition Menu File Choices
   File  Utilities  Notes  Options  Help
 ***************** ------------------------------------------------   ------
 * _  1. New     *            Definition Menu
 *    2. Open    *
 *    3. Save    * t . . : 'KIRSTEN.P1994'
 *    4. Save as *
 *    5. Print   * . . . . prd9402a  (Required)
 *    6. Cancel  * . . . . Production policy 1994
 *    7. Exit    *
 following options.  . . . __  1.  Policies
                               2.  Workloads