STRDATA for a cache structure

This example provides detailed information for a cache structure and its storage class usage. Some of the information provided is:

The rest of the report is similar to the previously shown sections for the rebuild old structure and are omitted from this sample.

The following command was issued to produce an STRDATA report:
         Structure Name....................... CACHE02
         Structure Type....................... Cache
         Structure Dump ID.................... 0101
         Structure is the rebuild old structure
         Rebuild is a duplexing rebuild
         Process is system-managed
         Coupling Facility.................... SIMDEV.IBM.EN.ND0100000000
            Partition......................... 00
            CPCID............................. 00
         CFLevel.............................. 16
         Facility Name........................ LF01
         Dump Status.......................... Complete
         Incident token:
            PLEX1  B7VBID86  09/10/2009 11:39:32
         Structure Control Information:
            Duplexed State Active............. Yes
            Immediate RTC completion enabled.. Yes
            Duplex Retry Index Limit.......... 1799
            Signalling Segment Index.......... 1
            Duplex Signalling Segment Index... 1
            Maximum Directory Entry Count..... 1012
            Total Str Changed Entry Count..... 0
            Maximum Data Element Count........ 2002
            Total Str Changed Element Count... 0
            Number of Storage Classes......... 20
            Number of Castout Classes......... 2
            Adjunct Data Present.............. Yes
            UDF order queue maintained........ No
            Name Class Mask................... 0000
            Data Element Size................. 4096
            Maximum Data Entry Size........... 8192
            Marginal Structure Size........... 1828 K
            Minimum Structure Size............ 2 M
            Structure Size.................... 10 M
            Maximum Structure Size............ 10 M
            Target Structure Size............. 10 M
            Target Entry to Element Ratio..... 1:2
            Target Directory Entry Count...... 1012
            Target Data Element Count......... 2002
            Castout Class Cursor.............. 0000
            WWCO Queue Count.................. 0
            Unchanged with Reg Interest Count. 450
            Free Directory Entry Count........ 562
            Free Data Area Element Count...... 1952
            Execution Time Accumulator........ 00000000 0003877F
            Allocation Time................... 09/10/2009 11:25:17
            Structure Authority:
         +0000  C4C4B174  CCF0A092  01000011  00000000  | DD...0.k........ |
            User Structure Controls:
         +0000  D7D3C5E7  F1404040  C3C1C3C8  C5F0F240  | PLEX1   CACHE02  |
         +0010  40404040  40404040  00010000  00008000  |         ........ |
            Extended User Structure Controls:
         +0000  C4C4B174  CCF0A092  00000000  00000000  | DD...0.k........ |
         +0010  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  | ................ |
            Structure Copy Controls Version Number....... 00000001
             Structure Copy Controls
             EYECATCHER               SCC
             FUNCTION                 01
             CURRENT_PHASE            00
             COPYID_SEQ#              00
             PARTICIPANTS             00000000
             WORKER_PARTICIPANTS      00000000
             FAILED_PARTICIPANTS      00000000
                01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08
                --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
                00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00
                00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00
                00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00
                00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00
                ---01---  ---02---  ---03---  ---04---
                --------  --------  --------  --------
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
                00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
             COPYLEVEL                00000010
             CREATED_TOD              C4C4B174  D9F6538E
             COMPLETED_TOD            00000000  00000000
             FAILED_TOD               00000000  00000000
             RECOVERED_TOD            00000000  00000000
             CPI                      00
             COMPLETED_PHASES(16)     00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
             COMPLETING_COPYID(16)    00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
             CFLEVEL                  00000010
             CREATING_SYSTEM          01000011
             SLOT#                    01
             SEQUENCE#                000011
             AUTOVERSION              00000000  00000000
         Remote Structure Information
         Structure Id......................... 0001
         SYID................................. C4C4A2A7 CBDB6720
         Coupling Facility.................... SIMDEV.IBM.EN.CF0100000000
            Partition......................... 00
            CPCID............................. 00
            Structure Authority:
         +0000  C4C4B176  CB08419A  01000011  00000000  | DD.............. |
            Assigned Users:
               Connection IDs:
         Class Type........................... Storage
         Class................................ 1
         Class Status......................... Complete
            Class Control Information:
               Read Hit....................... 0
               Read Miss Directory Hit........ 5900
               Read Miss Assign Suppressed.... 0
               Read Miss Name Assigned........ 100
               Read Miss Target StgCl Full.... 0
               Write Hit Unchanged Data....... 1440
               Write Hit Changed Data......... 0
               Write Miss Not Registered...... 0
               Write Miss Invalid State....... 0
               Write Miss Target StgCl Full... 0
               Write Unchanged with XI........ 0
               Directory Entry Reclaim........ 0
               Data Entry Reclaim............. 0
               Cross Inval For Dir Reclaim.... 0
               Cross Inval For Write.......... 0
               Cross Inval For Delete Name.... 1440
               Cross Inval For Invalidate copy 0
               Cross Inval For LCVI Replace... 0
               Castout Count.................. 0
               Reference Signal Miss.......... 0
               Target StgCl Full.............. 0
               Maximum Directory Entry Count.. 100
               Data Element Count............. 0
               Total Changed Entries.......... 0
               Data Area Count................ 0
               Completed Reference Lists...... 0
               Part Complete Reference Lists.. 0
               Repeat Factor.................. 0
         Class Type........................... Storage
         Class................................ 2
         Class Status......................... Complete
            Class Control Information:
               Read Hit....................... 0
               Read Miss Directory Hit........ 5900
               Read Miss Assign Suppressed.... 0
               Read Miss Name Assigned........ 100
               Read Miss Target StgCl Full.... 0
               Write Hit Unchanged Data....... 1500
               Write Hit Changed Data......... 0
               Write Miss Not Registered...... 0
               Write Miss Invalid State....... 0
               Write Miss Target StgCl Full... 0
               Write Unchanged with XI........ 0
               Directory Entry Reclaim........ 0
               Data Entry Reclaim............. 0
               Cross Inval For Dir Reclaim.... 0
               Cross Inval For Write.......... 0
               Cross Inval For Delete Name.... 1500
               Cross Inval For Invalidate copy 0
               Cross Inval For LCVI Replace... 0
               Castout Count.................. 0
               Reference Signal Miss.......... 0
               Target StgCl Full.............. 0
               Maximum Directory Entry Count.. 100
               Data Element Count............. 0
               Total Changed Entries.......... 0
               Data Area Count................ 0
               Completed Reference Lists...... 0
               Part Complete Reference Lists.. 0
               Repeat Factor.................. 0
         Structure Name....................... CACHE02
         Structure Type....................... Cache
         Structure Dump ID.................... 0201
         Structure is the rebuild new structure
         Rebuild is a duplexing rebuild
         Process is system-managed
         Coupling Facility.................... SIMDEV.IBM.EN.CF0100000000
            Partition......................... 00
            CPCID............................. 00
         CFLevel.............................. 16
         Facility Name........................ TESTCF
         Dump Status.......................... Complete
         Incident token:
            PLEX1  B7VBID86  09/10/2009 11:39:32