OMVSDATA FILE SUMMARY subcommand output

This report displays information about each z/OS UNIX file system type and its mounted file systems.

File System Type Specific Information
IBM® supplies the following types of PFSs:
The character special file system
The FIFO file system
The z/OS UNIX file system
The z/OS UNIX file system
Status of the file system, which is Active or Failed/Waiting Restart. Inactive file system types are not displayed.
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
PathConf Data
Maximum number of bytes that can be written atomically when writing to a pipe. This value applies only if the file system type is BPXFPINT.
Use of the chown() function is restricted for all files of this file system type.
Use of chown() is not restricted.

The POSIX standard fully describes_POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED.

Maximum number of bytes in an input line from a workstation. This field is only displayed if the file system type is BPXFCSIN.
Colony Address Space Information
Address Space Name
Name specified on the ASNAME argument of the FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member.
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Restart Token
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Message QID
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Recovery Token
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Colony Status (as many lines as apply are displayed)
  • Colony initialization in progress.
  • Colony initialization failed.
  • Colony is marked for termination.
  • A PFS in this colony requested thread support.
  • The colony has been posted to terminate.
  • Thread support has been built for this colony.
Number of PFSs in this Colony
Maximum number of PFSs which may start in this colony. This number matches the number of FILESYSTYPE statements in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member on which the address space name specified by the ASNAME matches the preceding address space name.
Started Colony File Systems
Name specified on the TYPE argument of the FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member.
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Restart (option set by the PFS in the byte addressed by pfsi_restart)
  • Prompt the operator.
  • Automatic restart.
  • No restart.
  • Bring down the LFS and the kernel.
  • Restart the colony and prompt the operator for the PFS.
  • Restart the colony and PFS.
  • Bring down the colony but do not restart the PFS.
PFS status I (as many lines as apply are displayed).
  • PFS initialization in progress.
  • PFS has been started.
  • PFS initialization failed.
  • PFS is dead.
  • The colony has been posted to terminate.
  • Colony PFS initialization has completed.
PFS status II (as many lines as apply are displayed).
  • The PFS will run alone in this colony.
  • The PFS will use colony thread support.
  • The PFS is written in C.
  • The PFS supports DATOFF moves for page read operations.
Mounted File System Specific Information
Mounted File System Name
Name specified on the FILESYSTEM argument of the mount() system call, TSO/E MOUNT command or the MOUNT statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member.
Mount Point
PathName (at time of MOUNT)
Name specified on the PATH argument of the mount() system call, or on the MOUNTPOINT parameter of either the TSO/E MOUNT command or the MOUNT statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. If the pathname is greater than 64 characters, it is preceded by a plus sign to indicate truncation.
File Serial Number
The file ID of the mount point. This value will match st_ino returned from stat() for the mount point.
Device Number
The unique ID for this mounted file system. For files in this file system, this value will match the st_dev returned from stat().
DD Name
The ddname corresponding to the MVS™ data set name that contains the mounted file system. This name is either specified on the DDNAME parameter of the MOUNT statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member or is returned by the system when the mount for the file system is complete.
IBM may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Number of Active Files for this Mounted File System
Number of files that are either open or recently referenced.
Number of Files Pending Inactive
Number of pending inactive files that are no longer being referenced and whose meta data is about to be removed from the in-storage cache.
PathConf Data
The following 4 fields apply only if the file system type is not an IBM reserved type, which have names starting with the characters BPX.
Maximum value of a file's link count.
Maximum number of bytes in a filename. The number is not a string length; it excludes the terminating null.
If the value is Y, pathname components longer than NAME_MAX generate an error. If N, only the first NAME_MAX bytes are used. Valid values are Y for yes and N for no.
If the value is Y, the use of the chown() function is restricted for files in this mounted file system. A value of N indicates the use of chown() is not restricted. Valid values are Y for yes and N for no. The POSIX standard fully describes _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED.
File System was Mounted Read-Only
Displayed when applicable. If the file system was mounted Read-Write, no message is displayed.
type Unmount is in Progress
If an unmount is in progress, this line is displayed and type indicates the type of unmount. The possible values for type are:
  • Drain
  • Force
  • Immediate
  • Normal
  • Reset
This File System has been Quiesced
Displayed when the file system has been quiesced.
This is the System Root File System
Displayed when applicable.
Root File Serial Number
If this is not the system root file system, this line displays the file serial number for the root of the mounted file system.
Minimum number of bytes for which space will be available in a workstation input queue; therefore, the maximum number of bytes a portable application may require to be typed as input before reading them. This field is only displayed if the file system type is BPXFCSIN.
This character value can be used to disable workstation special characters. This field is only displayed if the file system type is BPXFCSIN.