SERVERMANAGER detail report

Figure 1. Example: SERVERMANAGER detail report (part 1 of 2)

      Global Information

      Application Environment Table Object......... xxxxxxxx
      Server Manager Mode.......................... Goal
      Global Server Manager Counts
        Total Number Of Servers Starting........... xxxxxxxx
      Starting Server Queues
        First starting server object............... xxxxxxxx
        Last starting server object................ xxxxxxxx
      Work Manager Queues
        First active work manager object........... xxxxxxxx
        Last active work manager object............ xxxxxxxx
        First inactive work manager object......... xxxxxxxx
        Last inactive work manager object.......... xxxxxxxx
      SRM Recommendations Queues
        First SRM Order............................ xxxxxxxx
        Last SRM Order............................. xxxxxxxx
        SRM Order Stack............................ xxxxxxxx
      New Address Space Table
        Slot 1..................................... xxxxxxxx
        Slot 2..................................... xxxxxxxx
        Slot 3..................................... xxxxxxxx
      EM CSC Information
        CSC Flags
        CSC Work Structure......................... xxxxxxxx
        Internal SVCAE............................. xxxxxxxx

      Work Manager Information

      Subsystem Type............................... DB2
      Subsystem Name............................... DB2A
      Work Manager State........................... Active
      Work Manager Flags
      Work Manager Queues
        First application environment.............. xxxxxxxx
        Last application environment............... xxxxxxxx
      XDAT Connection.............................. xxxxxxxx
Figure 2. Example: SERVERMANAGER detail report (part 2 of 2)

        Application Environment Information

        Application Environment Name........ PAYROLL
        Application Environment State.............. Available
        Application Environment Counts
          Total target............................. xxxxxxxx
          Total bound.............................. xxxxxxxx
          Number of starting servers............... xxxxxxxx
          Number of connected servers.............. xxxxxxxx
       Application Environment Limits
          Maximum.................................. xxxxxxxx
          Minimum.................................. xxxxxxxx
          Spread minimum across transaction env.... YES|NO
        Application Environment Flags
        Application Environment Queues
          First server............................. xxxxxxxx
          Last server.............................. xxxxxxxx
          First transaction environment............ xxxxxxxx
          Last transaction environment............. xxxxxxxx

          Server Information

          Server ASID.............................. X'002F'
          Server Jobname........................... PAYROLL
          Server State............................. Bound
          Time Of Last Server State Change......... 05/10/1996 10:52:38
          Server Binding........................... AQISSLOW
          Server Address Space Counts
            Temporal Affinities.................... xxxxxxxx
          Server Flags
          Selected Work Table...................... xxxxxxxx
          Server Subqueue ID....................... x
          Server Queues
            First server task...................... xxxxxxxx
            Last server task....................... xxxxxxxx
            First suspended server task............ xxxxxxxx
            Last suspended server task............. xxxxxxxx
            First resuming suspended server task..... xxxxxxxx
            Last resuming suspended server task..... xxxxxxxx
          Number Of ASCRE Tries.................... xxxxxxxx

          Selected Work Table

          Number Of Entries In Use................. xxxxxxxx
          Selected Work Entries
            User Data............ xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            Execution TCB.......................... xxxxxxxx
            Execution Unit Token................... xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            Enclave Token.......................... xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            Userid................................. xxxxxxxx
          Selected from...........................  $REGION$

            User Data.............xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            Execution TCB.......................... xxxxxxxx
            Execution Unit Token................... xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            Enclave Token.......................... xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            Userid................................. xxxxxxxx
          Selected from...........................  AQISSLOW

          Maximum Number Of Entries................ xxxxxxxx
          Selected Work Free Queue................. xxxxxxxx

          Server Task Information

          Server Task TCB.......................... xxxxxxxx
          Server Task Suspend Sequence Number...... xxxxxxxx
          Server Task Subqueue ID.................. x
          Server Task ECB.......................... xxxxxxxx
          Server Task Last Enclave Token........... xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

          Transaction Environment Information

          Transaction Environment Service Class.... AQISSLOW
          Transaction Environment Counts
            Target................................. xxxxxxxx
            Bound.................................. xxxxxxxx
          Transaction Environment Work Queue....... Empty

      Application Environment Table Information

      Application Environment Name......... PAYROLL
        Subsystem Type............................. DB2
        Procedure Name............................. PAYROLL
        Start Parameters
        Limit on starting server address spaces
          Single address space per system
        Local System Data
          System State............................. Available
          Time Of Last State Change................ 05/10/1996 09:37:08
          Name Of System Coordinating System State. ********
          Local Work Unit ID....................... xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
        Server Failure Data
          Number of unexpected server failures..... 00000002
          Server Failure Flags
          Server Failure Times
            Most Recent Failure Time............... 05/10/1996 10:52:36
               ...                  ............... 05/10/1996 10:52:13
               ...                  ............... None
               ...                  ............... None
            Oldest Failure Time.................... None

Global Information
The global environment management information section represents data that is global to all system processing done by the WLM Server Environment Manager.
Application environment table object
Represents the pointer to the Application Environment Table (AET).
Server Manager mode
Represents the WLM mode that the server environment manager is using. A value of Goal corresponds directly with the goal mode of WLM.
Global server manager counts
Describes global counters used by the Server Environment Manager to manage the servers and application environments.
Total number of servers starting
Represents the number of WLM started servers that are being started concurrently across all work managers known to WLM. The servers counted here are in the STARTING, INITIALIZING or ASCRE_RETRY state.
Starting Server Queues
Describes the servers that are being started by WLM. These are the same servers as those included in the starting server count.
  • First starting server object

    Represents the first server object that is currently being started by WLM.

  • Last starting server object

    Represents the last server object that is currently being started by WLM.

Work Manager Queues
Represents the work managers known to WLM.
  • First active work manager object

    Represents the first active work manager object (which specified IWMCONN QUEUE_MANAGER=YES) known to WLM.

  • Last active work manager object

    Represents the last active work manager object (which specified IWMCONN QUEUE_MANAGER=YES) known to WLM.

  • First inactive work manager object

    Represents the first work manager object (which specified IWMCONN QUEUE_MANAGER=YES) known to WLM which has disconnected (IWMDISC) and is being cleaned up by the Server Environment Manager.

  • Last inactive work manager object

    Represents the last work manager object (which specified IWMCONN QUEUE_MANAGER=YES) known to WLM which has disconnected (IWMDISC) and is being cleaned up by the Server Environment Manager.

SRM Recommendation Queues
Represents QMPL orders from SRM, which the Server Environment Manager has yet to act upon.
  • First SRM order

    Represents the first SRM QMPL order which the Server Environment Manager has yet to act upon. to WLM.

  • Last SRM order

    Represents the last SRM QMPL order which the Server Environment Manager has yet to act upon. to WLM.

  • SRM order stack

    Represents a list of SRM QMPL orders that Server Environment Manager has yet to act upon. This is the list where SRM queues new QMPL orders.

New Address Space Table
Represents the list of slots containing server objects to be started by WLM. Server objects in this table should be in the STARTING (or possibly TERMINATING, but not likely) state and should also be in the Starting Server Queue.
EM CSC Information
Header that indicates information defined under this header is related to the EM cross-system coordination process.
CSC flags
Header that specifies that the flags related to the EM command processing coordinator are to be shown. If none of the flags that are of interest are set then this header is not shown.
CSC in progress
Indicates that EM command processor is currently trying to complete a command.
CSC Work structure
Represents the EM command coordinator work structure.
EM Internal SVCAE
Represents the EM command coordinator checkpoint area.
Work Manager Information
The work manager section shows each work manager that is using Server Environment Manager services in the system. Note that if no work manager information exists then this section is not shown (also applicable sections under it are not shown).
Subsystem Type
The work manager's WLM subsystem type.
Subsystem name
The work manager's WLM subsystem name.
Work Manager State
The work manager's state.
  • Active

    Indicates a work manager that is connected to WLM and has not terminated.

  • Inactive

    Indicates a work manager that is terminating or has terminated, and may no longer be connected to WLM.

Work Manager Flags
Flags representing work manager status. If none of the flags that are of interest are set then this header is not shown.
  • Operator Started

    Indicates that the existence of this work manager was indicated to workload management by an operator command starting a server address space.

  • Queue Manager

    Indicates that the work manager is a queue manager.

  • Router

    Indicates that the work manager is a sysplex routing manager.

Work Manager Queues
The queues of objects which are anchored by the work manager
  • First application environment

    Represents the first application environment in use by this work manager.

  • Last application environment

    Represents the last application environment in use by this work manager.

XDAT connection
Represents the XDAT object to which the work manager is connected.
Application Environment Information
The application environment section shows each application environment that is in use by the work manager above.
Application Environment Name
The application environment's name.
Application Environment State
Specifies the application environment's state.
  • Available

    Indicates that the application environment is defined to workload management and that it is ready for the associated subsystem(s) to connect to it.

  • Quiesced

    Indicates that the application environment was quiesced because the operator has issued the V WLM,APPLENV=xxxxx,QUIESCE command.

  • Stopped

    Indicates that workload management has stopped starting new servers in this application environment because workload management has detected a problem with the application environment's JCL procedure or the server code.

  • Deleting

    Indicates that WLM is in the process of deleting this application environment.

  • Refreshing

    Indicates that WLM is in the process of refreshing all the servers in this application environment.

  • Quiescing

    Indicates that WLM is in the process of quiescing all the servers in this application environment.

Application Environment Counts
Describes the number of server address spaces in the following categories;
  • Total target

    Represents the total number of server address spaces requested on the local system by SRM for all transaction environments in this application environment. This is a total of all want counts in the transaction environments under this application environment.

  • Total bound

    Represents the number of servers that WLM has bound to transaction environments in this application environment. This is a total of all have counts in the transaction environments under this application environment.

  • Total number of starting servers

    Represents the number of servers that WLM has started, but have not yet connected to WLM.

  • Total number of connected servers

    Represents the number of servers that have connected to WLM, but have not selected any work in this application environment.

Application Environment Limits
Describes the limits existing for the application environment.
  • Maximum

    Represents the maximum number of servers WLM is allowed to start for all transaction environments in this application environment.

  • Minimum

    Represents the minimum number of servers which should be up and running all the time for this application environment.

  • Spread minimum across transaction env

    YES - indicates that the minimum number of servers will be distributed as evenly as possible to all service classes being used to execute work requests.

    NO - indicates that the minimum number of servers will be distributed to service classes as needed in order to meet goals.

Application Environment Flags
Describes the flags which are set in the application environment. If none of the flags that are of interest are set then this header is not shown.
  • Operator started

    Indicates that the server was started by the operator (or some process other than WLM).

  • Logically deleted

    Indicates that the application environment is logically deleted.

Application Environment Queues
Describes the queues anchors in the application environment object.
  • First server

    Describes the first server object in this application environment.

  • Last server

    Describes the last server object in this application environment.

  • First transaction environment

    Describes the first transaction environment object in the application environment.

  • Last transaction environment

    Describes the last transaction environment object in the application environment.

Server Information
The server information section describes a specific server that is managed by Server Environment Manager. Note that if no server information exists then this section is not shown.
Server ASID
The ASID of the server environment address space.
Server Jobname
The jobname of the server environment address space.
Server state
The current state of the server. Could be Undefined, Starting, Initializing, Connected, Bound, Unbound, Terminating, Disconnected, A/S Termed, or ASCRE Retry.
Time of last server state change
The time when the server changed into the current state.
Server Binding
The service class of the transaction environment to which the server is bound. If the server is bound to a transaction environment that is not associated with one service class, then this field will contain '********' to indicate that the transaction environment may contain work classified to more than one service class. The transaction environment is considered to be non-partitioned in this case.
Server Address Space Counts
Describes further properties of the server address space.
Temporal Affinities
Represents the number of temporal affinities which exist for the server address space.
Server flags
Represents flags that are set in the server object. If none of the flags that are of interest are set then this header is not shown.
  • Work manager terminating

    Indicates that the work manager which owns this server is terminating. Could be as a result of the work manager disconnecting from WLM or going through MEMTERM.

  • Adjustment

    Indicates that the server is being told to terminate as the result of a downward QMPL adjustment from SRM.

  • Must terminate

    Indicates that the server is being told to terminate and that it will not be allowed to reconnect to WLM. It must go through MEMTERM.

  • Operator started

    Indicates that the server was started by the operator (or some process other than WLM).

  • Queuing server

    Indicates that the server is a queuing server.

  • Routing server

    Indicates that the server is a sysplex routing server.

Server subqueue id
Describes the subqueue where the server object currently resides.
  • S

    Identifier for a SEAS on a suspended SEAS subqueue. This indicates that the server environment address space has at least one task suspended inside IWMSSEL (IWME2SEL).

  • N

    Identifier for a SEAS on a starting SEAS subqueue ("N" for new).

  • U

    Identifier for a SEAS not on a subqueue.

Server queues
Describes the queues which are anchored in this server object.
  • First server task

    Represents the first server task object which is known to WLM.

  • Last server task

    Represents the last server task object which is known to WLM.

  • First suspended server task

    Represents the first server task object which is suspended inside the IWMSSEL service routine, waiting for work.

  • Last suspended server task

    Represents the last server task object which is suspended inside the IWMSSEL service routine, waiting for work.

  • First resuming server task

    Represents the first server task object which is about to be resumed after being suspended inside the IWMSSEL service routine, waiting for work.

  • Last resuming server task

    Represents the last server task object which is about to be resumed after being suspended inside the IWMSSEL service routine, waiting for work.

  • First secondary suspended server task

    Represents the first secondary server task object for tasks suspended within IWMSSEM service for secondary work requests.

  • Last secondary suspended server task

    Represents the last secondary server task object for tasks suspended within IWMSSEM service for secondary work requests.

  • Number of ASCRE Tries

    Represents the number of times that WLM attempted to restart a server environment address space which failed before connecting to WLM.

Selected Work Table Information
The selected work table section describes the work which has been selected by a server, to be executed by that server. Note that if no selected work table information exists then this section is not shown. For sysplex routing servers, there is no Selected Work Table.
Number of entries in use
Represents the number of work units currently being executed in parallel by the server. If 0 is shown then no work units are currently in use which means there are no server tasks between IWMSTBGN and IWMSTEND.
Selected work entries
Describes each slot in the table.
  • User data

    Represents the work unit (USERDATA on IWMQINS) as it was provided to WLM by the inserting subsystem. WLM does not use this information, but it has been provided for assistance in debugging problems on the exploiting subsystem's side of the interfaces.

  • Execution TCB

    TCB address of the task which is executing the work represented by this entry.

  • Execution unit token

    A token representing a work unit.

  • Enclave token

    A token representing the enclave under which the work is executing.

  • Userid

    The user ID that owns the work unit. When the user ID is present, WLM will initialize a security environment during IWMSTBGN processing.

  • Selected from

    The service class of the transaction environment that the selected work entry is associated with. If the server is bound to a transaction environment that is not associated with one service class, then this field will contain '********' since the selected work entry cannot be associated with a particular service class. If the work entry is selected from a region queue, then this field will contain '$REGION$' to indicate that the work entry is not associated with a service class.

Maximum number of entries
Represents the maximum number of work units that may be executed in parallel by the server.
Selected work free queue
The head of the queue of free slots in the selected work table.
Server Task Information
The server task information section describes a specific task in the server address space that is known by Server Environment Manager because it has issued the IWMSSEL service at least once in its lifetime.
Server Task TCB
The TCB address of the server task.
Server Task suspend token
A token used to identify a suspend instance.
Server Task subqueue ID
Represents the current state of the server task, such as;
  • S: Server task is suspended.
  • R: Server task is about to be resumed.
  • U: Server task is not suspended.
Server Task ECB
The ECB used by WLM for batch initiators.
Server Task Last Enclave Token
Enclave token from the last work request selected by the server.
Transaction Environment Information
The transaction environment section describes a unique queue of work that is known to WLM.
Transaction environment service class
Names the external service class to which the queued work has been classified. If the transaction environment is not associated with one service class, then this field may contain '********' to indicate that the transaction environment may contain more than one service class.
Transaction environment counts
Represents the number of server address spaces in the following categories.
  • Target

    Represents the number of servers on the local system that SRM wants bound to this transaction environment.

  • Bound

    Represents the number of servers that WLM has bound to this transaction environment.

Transaction environment work queue
Describes the Empty/Not Empty state of the transaction environment's work queue.
Application Environment Table Information
The application environment table information section describes all the application environments known to WLM. The application environments are defined using the WLM ISPF application or through the IWMDINS(install)/IWMPACT(activate) interfaces. Note that if no application environments exist then only the header is shown.
Application Environment name
Names the application environment.
Subsystem Type
Names the subsystem type that is assigned to this application environment.
Procedure Name
Names the JCL procedure used for this application environment.
Start Parameters
Shows the start parameter information used by WLM when starting a server environment address space in this application environment.
Limit on starting server address spaces
A header line that indicates that one of the subsequent lines is a limit for the current application environment.
  • No limit
  • Single address space per system
  • Single address space per sysplex
Local System Data
A header line that indicates that information indented under this line is used by the local/current system to manage the application environment.
System State
Indicates the application environment state as known by the current system.
  • Available

    Indicates that the application environment is defined to WLM and that it is ready for the associated subsystem to connect to it.

  • Refreshing

    Indicates that the application environment is being refreshed because the operator issued a V WLM,APPLENV=xxxxx,REFRESH command.

  • Quiescing

    Indicates that this system is working on an operator issued V WLM,APPLENV=xxxxx,QUIESCE command.

  • Quiesced

    Indicates that this system has finished working on an operator issued V WLM,APPLENV=xxxxx,QUIESCE command.

  • Resuming

    Indicates that this system is working on an operator issued V WLM,APPLENV=xxxxx,RESUME command.

  • Internally-Refreshing

    Indicates that this system is working on an internally generated refresh action.

  • Internally-Stopping:

    Indicates that this system is working on an internally generated stop action.

  • Internally-Stopped

    Indicates that this system has finished working on an internally generated stop action.

  • Deleting

    Indicates that WLM is in the process of deleting this application environment.

  • Deleted

    Indicates that WLM has finished the process of deleting an application environment.

  • No State

    Indicates that the application environment state does not exist.

  • Unknown

    Indicates that the application environment state is not any of the above, therefore it is unknown. For this case we most likely have bad data.

Time Of Last State Change
The last time the application environment state was changed.
Name Of System Coordinating Application Environment State
Indicates which system in the sysplex is coordinating the application environment state that is shown. Coordination is required for any transitional state such as deleting/quiescing and possibly the 'no state' condition.

Note that if no system is coordinating the system state then ******** is shown.

Local Work Unit ID
The work-unit-id of the current action (if application environment state is transitional, like deleting) or the last action that was performed for this application environment
Server Failure Data
A header line that groups data collected by Server Environment Manager relating to unexpected server terminations in this application environment. If there is no failure data to display, this entire section will be skipped by the IPCS formatter.
Number of unexpected server failures
The number of unexpected server terminations detected by Server Environment Manager on this system in this application environment
Server Failure Flags
Groups flags that are set in this section of the AET.
  • Internal Stop has been initiated

    Indicates that Server Environment Manager has detected 5 unexpected terminations within 10 minutes of each other and that Server Environment Manager has initiated an internal-stop of the application environment.

Server Failure Times
Displays the date and time of the most recent unexpected termination to the oldest unexpected termination (maximum of 5 in the history). If the most recent and the oldest are within 10 minutes of each other then Server Environment Manager will initiate an internal-stop of the application environment.