z/OS MVS Product Management
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Description and analysis of the software usage report generated by Example 2

z/OS MVS Product Management

The “Customer No” section contains the customer number that corresponds to the processor listed in the “Processor” section of the report. This value was provided using the CODE keyword on the VENDOR statement. A valid customer number must be provided to participate in MULC. The remainder of the customer fields printed in this section were provided by the customer on the NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT and PHONE keywords on the CUSTOMER statement.

The “Software Vendor” section contains the vendor name, “IBM CORP” registered by each product shown on this report. The vendor name, address and FAX number that are listed were taken from the VENDOR control statement.

The “Report Date Due” section lists a date of 20May95 by which IBM® must receive a copy of this report, in order for the customer to start measured usage pricing on CICS® and TSO/E. This date is calculated by the program as 14 calendar days after the measurement period's end date. A date will appear in this section only when the START keyword has been used for at least one product on this processor.

The “Measurement Period End Dates” section lists the last date in the current measurement period for the product listed to its right. If the measurement end date applies to all products in the “For Billing Purposes” section, a value of “***ALL***” is printed. This section lists the next measurement period end date for every product in the “For Billing Purposes” section.

The “Processor” section indicates the processor for which the type 89 records were collected and for which the usage data is being reported. The Begin-End Dates field indicate the earliest date, 02Apr95, and last date, 07May95, that the data collected on this processor has been processed by IFAURP. The usage data for all products owned by the company listed in the “Software Vendor” section, (for example, IBM CORP), will be printed on this report.

The “For Billing Purposes Only” section is printed because a START keyword was used for both CICS and TSO/E. Note that when multiple processors share the same set of history files, the first processor with usage data determines the first month in the row of months listed under the “Monthly Chargeable Product Values” section. The “Monthly Chargeable Product Values” subsection shows three sets of vertical bars: before April, between September and October and after March. These vertical bars signify the 6 month measurement periods calculated by the program based on the START date for the first product started on this processor.

The range of dates listed below both CICS and TSO/E and prefixed by an *, indicate the begin-end dates of the initial monthly measurement for each product. The begin date was provided via the START value of 19950407. The end date was calculated by the program.

The CICS usage value under the April column is followed by an *, which indicates that this value represents the initial monthly usage value of 2.67 MSUs that will used to set the usage band for the initial CICS measured usage billing period. An * after the value under the April column indicates that the initial measurement period, 07Apr95-06May95, is complete. A # would indicate that the initial measurement period was still incomplete, and not yet eligible for measured usage pricing.

The TSO/E usage value under the April column is followed by an *, which indicates that this value represents the initial monthly usage value of .093 MSUs that will be used to set the usage band for the initial TSO/E measured usage billing period.

The “For Collection Purposes Only” section, that lists the usage data that is being collected but not being used for measured usage pricing, contains the IMS™ TM usage values. The IMS values are printed here because no PRODUCT control statement was provided for IMS TM; the MULC PTFs for IMS TM were not yet activated on every LPAR on this processor.

In this example, type 89 records were being collected for both CICS and TSO/E starting on April 2, 1995. However this report will only show one value for each month the product was collecting usage data. Because both CICS and TSO/E values already appear under the month of April in the “For Billing Purposes” section, neither product's pre-MULC usage from April 2 to April 6 will be shown in this section.

In order to place both CICS and TSO/E under the MULC option, IBM must receive a copy of the Software Usage Report that was described in this example by May 20, 1995, as indicated in the “Report Due Date” section.

Note: The START keyword will cause the measurement and associated billing periods for these products on this processor to be listed on the Time Period Report.

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