z/OS MVS Product Management
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Example 6: Upgrading a processor with MULC products and adding another

z/OS MVS Product Management

In this example the customer is upgrading a processor from a 9021-952 to a 9021-972 over the space of several hours on August 14th and would like to continue participating in measured usage pricing for CICS®, BatchPipes® and TSO/E on the new processor. The customer can “transfer” all of these products from the old to the new processor via a TRANSFER control statement after the upgrade is complete. IFAURP will maintain the same product measurement periods on the new processor. TRANSFER, itself, does not require that a Software Usage Report be sent to IBM® at the time of the processor upgrade. The existing product measurement periods, alone, will determine when the next Software Usage Report is due for this upgraded processor.

The customer will also place IMS™ TM under usage pricing immediately after the upgrade has completed, because the MULC PTFs have finally been applied and activated on all IMS TM versions on all LPARs on the processor.

//             DCB=(RECFM=VBS,LRECL=32760,BLKSIZE=16384),
//             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,2),RLSE)
//SYSIN    DD  *
  CUSTOMER(NAME('Acme Tulle and Dye Company')
           ADDRESS('155 Main Street',
                   'New London, CT 05512')
           CONTACT('Fred Tulle')
           PHONE('(203) 555-1212 ex 54'))
* Transferring all products on a processor upgrade
* Starting a new MULC product immediately after the upgrade
                     PRODNAME('IMS TM')
  • See Example 2: Placing a product under the measured usage option for an explanation of the //STEPLIB, //SYSMSGS and //SYSPRINT files.
  • //SYSHOUT references the newest version (+1) of the history file, MULC.HISTORY.#1234567 that will be created as a result of this job step. The last qualifier, #1234567, designates the IBM customer number for the processor from which the usage data was collected. Note that IFAURP requires that the SMF type 89 records from both the old and new processor must be processed and reside on the same set of history files. Failure to use the same set of history files as the original processor will result in no usage values being listed for the new processor.

    See Examples 2 and 5 for an explanation of the other DD statements used in this example.

  • TRANSFER This control statement will transfer all the products participating on measured usage pricing from one processor to another processor only as part of a processor upgrade. The second processor can not already be participating in MULC before the transfer. There must be no overlap between product usage on both processors. Because no overlap of usage exists between the original and replacement processors, dates are not required for this control statement.
    Note: This TRANSFER statement must precede any PROCESSOR statements that may be required to START a product on the upgraded new processor. If the TRANSFER statement is not executed prior to new PROCESSOR statements (when such statements exist in the same execution of the usage report program), the TRANSFER statement will fail, because the new processor will have started a MULC product prior to the TRANSFER and violate the TRANSFER conditions.
    This set of values represents the processor that is being discontinued.
    This set of values represents the processor that is replacing the first processor.
  • PROCESSOR This control statement is not required for the products that have already been started on the original processor. It is included in this example only because the customer wants to place a new product under the MULC option. This control statement identifies the new processor and product for which action is to be taken.
    This field is used to identify the specific processor for which the remainder of the keywords apply. In the US the last 5 digits of the processor serial number are used to identify the processor. Outside the US this 5 digit serial number must be prefixed with a two digit manufacturing location.
    This set of control statements defines only the product being added.
    All IBM products require the value ‘IBM CORP’ for this field.
    Only ‘IMS TM’ is required, because CICS, BatchPipes and TSO/E have already been transferred from the TRANSFER statement.
    This keyword actually triggers IFAURP to begin processing IMS TM as a measured usage product by listing the product and its usage values in the “Billing” section of the Software Usage Report. The value of 19950815 signifies the fact that the customer has met both key requirements of the START keyword on that date. See the START keyword in Example 2: Placing a product under the measured usage option for additional information.
Figure 1. Software usage report generated for Example 6
                                                Measured Usage Software Report                                            Page   1
IFAURP  1.2.0                                       Software Usage Report                                              16 Aug 1995
-------------------  Customer No: 1234567  -----------------          ------------  Software Vendor: IBM CORP        -------------
Acme Tulle and Dye Company                                            IBM Branch Office
155 Main Street                                                       1133 Westchester Avenue
New London, CT 05512                                                  Major City, Sample State  10604
Contact/Phone: Fred Tulle  (203) 555-1212 ex 54                       FAX: 1-800-555-1212  ATTN: Usage Pricing

- Report -   --- Measurement Period End Dates ---   |   -------------------------- Processor -----------------------------
 Due Date    End Date  Product Name(s)   Function   |   Category    Type-Model  Serial        Begin-End Dates     SU Factor
 --------    --------  ----------------  --------   |   ----------  ----------  ------------  -----------------   ---------
 28Sep95     14Sep95   IMS TM                       |   Standalone  9021-952    01111         02Apr95 - 15Aug95   2565.3359
 14Oct95     30Sep95   BATCHPIPES/MVS               |   Standalone  9021-972    02222         15Aug95 - 15Aug95
 14Oct95     30Sep95   CICS                         |
 14Oct95     30Sep95   TSO/E                        |

================================================= For Billing Purposes ===========================================================

                                           -------------------------  Monthly Chargeable Product Values  ---------------------
----------------- Product ---------------  1995                                                           1996
FEB    MAR  |
-------- -------------- -------- -------- |-----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- |-----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- |
                        MAX MVS/ESA LPARS:|    4      4      4      4      4      - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |
                    PERCENT MISSING HOURS:|   12     10     14     24     54      - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |
                                          |                                         |                                         |
5655-065 BATCHPIPES/MVS   1.0             |    -   .321*  .389<  .370  .375#      - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |01)
         * 15Aug95-14Sep95                |                                         |                                         |
                                          |                                         |                                         |
5685-083 CICS             3.2             | 2.67*  2.46   2.96<  2.52  13.59#     - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |02)
         * 07Apr95-06May95                |                                         |                                         |
                                          |                                         |                                         |
5665-013 IMS TM           4.1             |    -      -      -      -   1.76#     - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |02)
5665-409                  3.1             |                                         |                                         |
         * 15Aug95-15Sep95                |                                         |                                         |
                                          |                                         |                                         |
5685-025 TSO/E            2.4             | .093*  .078   .094<  .087   .091#     - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |02)
         * 07Apr95-06May95                |                                         |                                         |
I certify that the values circled on this report indicate months for which that product was under test allowance.

 --------------------------------------------    --------------------------------------------------    ------------------------
 Name                                            Signature                                             Date

================================================= For Collection Purposes Only ===================================================
                                          |                                         |                                         |
5665-013 IMS TM           4.1             | .732   1.22   1.34   1.55<     -      - |    -      -      -      -      -      - |02)
5665-409                  3.1             |                                         |                                         |
         # 02Apr95                        |                                         |                                         |
                                          |                                         |                                         |
========================================================= Notes ==================================================================

  *  - Begin-End Dates of first month's usage data
  #  - Data not collected for a full month.
  <  - Value to the left is the largest value of complete months shown
(01) - Hourly rate in GigaBytes read (1 GB= 1,000,000,000 bytes)
(02) - Hourly rate in millions of CPU Service Units (MSUs)

       This report is documented in the publication "MVS/ESA Support for Measured Usage License Charges" GC28-1098.

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