z/OS MVS Product Management
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Example 13: Placing products under S/390 usage pricing charges

z/OS MVS Product Management

The following JCL and control statements are used to place CICS®, IMS™ TM and MQM under S/390® Usage Pricing Charges by reporting the usage values for all three products in the "Billing" section of the Software Usage Report.

This example is a follow-up to Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges, where CICS, DB2®, IMS DB, IMS TM and MQM usage values were reported in the "Collection" section of the Software Usage Report. Those values were used to determine whether any of those products would benefit from S/390 Usage Pricing. The Software Usage Report generated by Example 12 was sent to IBM® with a request for a S/390 Usage Pricing Charges price quote for each product whose usage value was followed by an "X". Based on the price quote, the customer has decided to place CICS, IMS TM and MQM under S/390 Usage Pricing Charges. In order to do that, the customer must create another Software Usage Report for those products; but this time, those products must appear in the "Billing" section of the report. The customer must send that report to IBM, together with a signed IBM Customer Agreement Attachment for S/390 Usage Pricing, within 10 business days after the last day of the initial measurement period.

Because a preliminary Software Usage Report was generated in Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges to obtain a price quote, the control statements and usage data used by that report will be used as a starting point to generate the initial Software Usage Report required by IBM to actually place products under the S/390 Usage Pricing Charges option. The primary IFAURP control statement changes are to:

  1. Remove the PRODUCT statements for products which should not be under S/390 Usage Pricing Charges due to the relatively high S/390 Usage Price.
  2. Change all the TESTDATE keywords on the remaining PRODUCT statements to the START keyword. Changing the TESTDATE keyword to START and retaining the same dates guarantees that the usage values that appeared in the "Collection" section of the report due to the TESTDATE keyword will now appear in the "Billing" section of the report due to the START keyword.
  3. Add an ALIGN parameter to force all new "Billing" periods to start on July 1st.
Note: Most of the JCL statements and control statements in this example are based on Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges and the reader will be referred back to specific sections of Example 12, when the explanation for the parameters being referenced are the same as those used in Example 12.
The sample JCL and IFAURP control statements which will generate the required Software Usage Report are as follows:
   //             DCB=(RECFM=VBS,LRECL=32760,BLKSIZE=16384),
   //             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,2),RLSE)
   //SYSIN    DD  *
    CUSTOMER(NAME('Liberty Bell Services')
             ADDRESS('22 Clapper Plaza',
                     'Philadelphia, Pa. 19101')
             CONTACT('Bennet Franklin')
             PHONE('(610) 555-1212'))
   *   VENDOR statement used earlier is still in affect
                        PRODNAME('IMS TM')
                        PRODNAME('MQM MVS/ESA')
Note: Complete descriptions of IFAURP's JCL and control statements are provided in Invoking IFAURP.
  • //STEPLIB See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
  • //SYSMSGS See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
  • //SYSPRINT See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
  • //SMFDATA has been DUMMYed because the usage data that was saved on Example 12's history file will be used to generate the Software Usage Report required to place the requested products under S/390 Usage Pricing Charges. This can be done, because the preliminary Software Usage Report generated for Example 12 contained usage values which were followed by "X" indicating that usage data was provided for the entire initial measurement period.
    If the customer chose not to create an output history file when generating the preliminary Software Usage Report, the following //SMFDATA statement should be used instead. See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a complete description of the following //SMFDATA statement.
  • //SYSHIN uses Generation Data Group notation to read the last copy of IFAURP's history file. There should be no problem if this file contains additional usage data, since that data will be reported under the month of February and will not change the usage values for the months of December and January, which were listed on the preliminary Software Usage Report, and which will now be used to set the S/390 Usage Pricing Charges for the products appearing in the "Billing" section.
    If the //SMFDATA file uses the USAGE.SORTED89.DECJAN99 file, instead of being DUMMYed, the //SMFDATA statement should be DUMMYed.
    Note: IFAURP will automatically detect and ignore duplicate usage data if the //SMFDATA file contains any data that was already placed in IFAURP's history file and the //SYSHIN file is not DUMMYed.
  • //SYSHOUT See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
  • //SYSIN See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
  • CUSTOMER This control statement is required for every execution of IFAURP and must precede all other control statements.
    See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
    See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
  • VENDOR This control statement is not required if the IFAURP history file, which was generated for Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges, is used for //SYSHIN, since the VENDOR information is saved on the history file and will be retrieved from that history file on this execution of IFAURP.

    If the //SMFDATA file uses the USAGE.SORTED89.DECJAN99 file, and the //SYSHIN file is DUMMYed, a VENDOR statement must be supplied. See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description of the VENDOR statement.

  • PROCESSOR This control statement identifies the specific processor and products for which S/390 Usage Pricing Charges are being requested. Since the PRODUCT parameters will be different than those used to generate the preliminary Software Usage Report in Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges, the PROCESSOR statement together with its related PRODUCT parameters are required to override the PRODUCT parameters in the history file, if the preliminary history file is input to //SYSHIN.
    See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a description.
    Use the PRODUCT statements used for CICS, IMS and MQM in Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges, to request S/390 Usage Pricing Charges. Do not use PRODUCT statements for DB2 and IMS DB, since DB2 V4 is not eligible for S/390 Usage Pricing Charges and the S/390 Usage Price is higher than IMS DB's PSLC price.
    All IBM products require the value "IBM CORP" for this field.
    Identifies each product that the customer wants to place under S/390 Usage Pricing Charges.
    Replace the TESTDATE keyword, which was used to generate the preliminary Software Usage Report described in Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges and used to request a price quote from IBM, with the START keyword to request that the associated product actually be placed under S/390 Usage Pricing charges. Use the same date as was used for the TESTDATE parameter so that the same initial usage values are produced in the "Billing" section of the report as were produced in the "Collection" section of the preliminary report. See Example 12: Deciding which products to select for S/390 usage pricing charges for a discussion on choosing the TESTDATE and START parameter values.
    This optional parameter allows customers to choose the month to which all 12 month "Billing" periods will be synchronized. This parameter can only be used once, to establish the start of the second "Billing" period for a processor which does not yet have a "Billing" period established. Once such a "Billing" period is established, it can not be changed. All products on the processor are synchronized to the same "Billing" period on that processor, regardless of when the individual products may have STARTed their initial measurement period.

    The first "Billing" period on a processor is always established by the product with the earliest START date or by the first PRODUCT control statement, when several PRODUCT control statements all have the same START date. The first "Billing" period (the months for which the S/390 Usage Price set by the initial measurement apply) starts on the first day of the month in which the initial measurement period ends and continues for the next 11 months by default. The customer can change the month on which the initial "Billing" period ends and the second "Billing" period starts by using the ALIGN parameter to specify the month on which the second "Billing" period should start. The second and all succeeding "Billing" periods are 12 months long.

    All processors, including those in a Parallel Sysplex®, which share the same IFAURP history file are also synchronized to the "Billing" period established for the product with the earliest START date encountered in the history file. IBM recommends that customers use the same IFAURP history file for all processors in the same data center (which have the same IBM customer number) so that all Software Usage Reports are due to IBM on exactly the same date, and can be generated by a single execution of the IFAURP program.

    In this example the customer wished to align the S/390 Usage Pricing Charges so that the new "Billing" period would always start on July 1. The ALIGN value of "07" on the first PRODUCT statement (such as CICS) will force such an alignment.

Figure 1. Software Usage Report generated for Example 13
                                    Measured Usage and S/390 Usage Pricing Charges                                          PAGE   1
 IFAURP 3.1.2                                    Software Usage Report                                               6 FEBRUARY 1999

 ------------------- Customer No: 0012345  -------------------      -------------- Software Vendor: IBM CORP         ---------------
 Liberty Bell Services                                              IBM Corporation
 22 Clapper Plaza                                                   Philadelphia Branch Office
 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101                                            FAX: (610) 555-IBM1  Attn: Sally Sales
 Contact/Phone: Bennet Franklin / (610) 555-1234

 - Report -   --- Measurement Period End Dates ---   |   ---------------------------- Processor ----------------------------
  Due Date    End Date  Product Name(s)   Function   |   Category    Type-Model   Serial       Begin-End Dates     SU Factor
  --------    --------  ----------------  --------   |   ----------  ----------   -----------  -----------------   ---------
  14Feb99     31Jan99   ***ALL***                    |   Machine     9672-R65     04984        01Dec98 - 01Feb99   2378.4748
                                                     |   9672 CEC    9672-R65     04984        01Dec98 - 01Feb99   2378.4748

 ======================================================= For Billing Purposes ======================================================

                                              ------------------------ Monthly Chargeable Product Values -----------------------
 ---------------- Product -----------------    1998  1999
 -------- --------------- -------- --------    ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ---- |----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
                          MAX MVS/ESA LPARS:      3     3     3     -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -
                      PERCENT MISSING HOURS:     10     9    90     -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -
 5655-018 CICS            4.1                  9.91  10.4X 10.7#    -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -      (01)
          X 01Dec98-31Jan99                                                       |
 5655-158 IMS TM          6.1                  8.97X 8.95  8.77#    -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -      (01)
 5695-176                 5.1                                                     |
          X 01Dec98-31Jan99                                                       |
 5695-137 MQM MVS/ESA     1.2                  5.50X 5.34  4.57#    -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -      (01)
          X 01Dec98-31Jan99        (MQM#9501)                                     |
    I certify that the values circled on this report indicate months for which that product was under test allowance.

   -----------------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------------    -------------------------
   Name                                               Signature                                          Date

 =================================================== For Collection Purposes Only ===================================================
 5695-DB2 DB2             4.2.1                10.2# 9.90  9.75#    -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -      (01)
          # 01Dec98                                                               |
 5655-158 IMS DB          6.1                  30.2X 28.5  28.4#    -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -      (01)
 5695-176                 5.1                                                     |
          X 01Dec98-31Jan99                                                       |
 5647-A01 OS/390          02.04.00 TSO/E       22.8# 20.7  21.9#    -     -     - |   -     -     -     -     -     -     -      (02)
          # 01Dec98                                                               |

 ============================================================= Notes ================================================================

   X  - Begin-end dates of the initial measurement period
   #  - Data not collected for a full month.
   <  - Value to the left is the largest value of complete months shown.
 (01) - Hourly rate in millions of CPU Service Units (MSUs).
 (02) - Not eligible for Measured Usage charges 

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