
A system is trying to join a sysplex, but has not yet established signalling connectivity with all the systems in the sysplex. Message IXC454I identifies the systems without signalling connectivity to the IPLing system.

In the message text:
Since the system is not yet active in the sysplex, XCF can be re-initialized.
Since the system is active in the sysplex, XCF cannot be re-initialized. The system must be removed from the sysplex and re-initialized via an IPL.

System action

Initialization processing stops until the operator replies to the message or re-IPLs the system.

Operator response

There are six diagnostic activities to guide you in replying to this message. Before doing any of these activities, do a visual check on all hardware systems and compare with the configuration chart to ensure that all systems are correctly configured. If the configuration is correct, do the following to diagnose the problem:
  1. Check the COUPLExx parmlib member and the couple data set
  2. Check for non-operational systems
  3. Check the signalling path definitions
  4. Check the signalling path status in each active system
  5. Check the signalling path status in the IPLing system
  6. Collect diagnostic data for IBM®.
These diagnostic procedures are described in greater detail below. After diagnosing the problem, choose one of the possible responses indicated in the message:
To request that the IPLing system continue to check for full connectivity in the sysplex for the next nnn seconds. Choose this response after resolving any diagnosed problems, or simply to allow more time for the signalling paths to become established.

Each time this response is chosen, stopped signalling paths on the IPLing system are started again since the circumstances which caused the path failure may have been resolved, thereby allowing the path to establish signalling connectivity. In some cases, the system will unconditionally stop paths that are in the midst of stop processing so that a new start request can be initiated for the path.

System initialization proceeds as soon as signalling connectivity is established. If connectivity is not established within nnn seconds, the system reissues message IXC455D to reprompt the operator. The maximum allowable value of nnn is 999 seconds.

To request reinitialization of XCF. Choose this response if the signalling path definitions in the current COUPLExx do not provide the required signalling paths for the systems identified in message IXC454I.

Choose this response to stop and then start the signalling paths all over again (specify the same COUPLExx parmlib member when prompted). This action sometimes allows signalling connectivity to be established when the system does not seem to be making progress despite repeated use of the INTERVAL=nnn response.

The system issues message IXC207A to prompt the operator to specify a new COUPLExx member. All signalling paths are stopped, and the system starts the signalling paths identified in the new COUPLExx parmlib member.

During XCF initialization, message IXC305I may or may not be displayed on an operator console when a CTC device cannot be started as a signalling path.
  • The message is not displayed on an operator console the first time XCF initialization runs during an IPL.
  • If XCF initialization is to be restarted for an issue not related to signalling connectivity problems, the message is not displayed on an operator console.
  • If XCF initialization is to be restarted for an issue related to signalling connectivity, message IXC207A prompts the operator to respecify the COUPLExx parmlib member. The response to message IXC207A determines whether message IXC305I is displayed on an operator console. If the same COUPLExx parmlib member is specified, message IXC305I will be displayed. If a different COUPLExx parmlib member is specified, message IXC305I will not be displayed on the operator console, but IXC305I will always be displayed on the hardcopy log.
Re-IPL the system
It may not be possible for XCF to process a new COUPLExx member. In this case, the only recourse is to re-IPL the system. From an active console in the sysplex, enter a VARY XCF command to remove this system from the sysplex. Once sysplex partitioning completes, re-IPL this system. Specify a COUPLExx parmlib member that defines the signalling paths by which signalling connectivity can be established.

If an incorrect reply is entered, the system issues message IXC208I to notify the operator of the error. The system then reissues message IXC455D.

Repeatedly specifying INTERVAL=nnn and/or repeatedly respecifying the COUPLExx parmlib member may cause a signalling path on another system to be stopped because the path exceeds its retry limit. In such cases the operator may need to enter a SETXCF START path command on that system to manually start the signalling path again. This situation is more likely to occur when the other system is running a release of MVS/ESA prior to SP510.

Specifically, the diagnostic procedures are:
  1. Are the COUPLExx parmlib member and couple data set identified properly?

    If the COUPLExx parmlib member is not correctly identified, request reinitialization of XCF (reply R) with the correct parmlib member. If the sysplex couple data set is not correctly identified, request reinitialization of XCF (reply R) with the correct couple data set. The COUPLExx parmlib member identifies the sysplex couple data set(s) to be used by this system.

  2. Are any systems non-operational?

    Check the systems named in message IXC454I. If any of these systems is non-operational, use the VARY XCF command from an active system to remove the non-operational systems from the sysplex. When all non-operational systems have been removed from the sysplex, reply INTERVAL=nnn to request that the IPLing system continue to check for full signalling connectivity.

    If there is no active system in the sysplex from which to issue the VARY XCF command, ensure that the systems named in message IXC454I actually are non-operational. Then, reply R to reinitialize XCF. If message IXC405D appears, reply I to complete the removal of all the systems from the sysplex and continue the initialization process.

  3. Are all signalling paths properly defined in the COUPLExx parmlib member?

    Use the configuration chart to verify that the required signalling paths are correctly defined in the current COUPLExx parmlib member. If the signalling path definitions do not agree, you must either specify a different COUPLExx member or modify the current one. See the system programmer.

  4. What is the status of the signalling paths in each active system?

    From an active system console, issue DISPLAY XCF,PATHOUT and DISPLAY XCF,PATHIN commands to obtain detailed information about the status of the signalling paths on each of the systems listed in message IXC454I. The DISPLAY command issues message IXC356I which identifies the status of the requested signalling paths. If the status of a path needed for signalling connectivity is STARTING, RESTARTING, LINKING, REBUILDING, QUIESCING, or QUIESCED, allow additional time for XCF to establish signalling connectivity (reply INTERVAL=nnn). If the signalling path is not established after several attempts, enter a SETXCF STOP path command to stop the path and then enter a SETXCF START command to start the path again.

    Note particularly that additional time may be needed when a list structure is used for signalling. Signalling paths cannot be established through a list structure until an active system allocates the structure and initializes it for use by the XCF signalling service. If a list structure is the only means of establishing connectivity between a set of systems in the sysplex (not recommended since it represents a single point of failure), the first system in the set to become active in the sysplex will be the only system capable of allocating the structure. The remaining systems in the set cannot allocate the structure because they are not active in the sysplex, and they cannot become active in the sysplex until they establish signalling connectivity. Initialization of the remaining systems will be delayed until the first system in the set successfully starts the structure for signalling. Message IXC306I is issued when the structure is started successfully.

    If the status is STOPPING, STOPFAILED, or INOPERATIVE, do the following:
    • If the status is STOPPING, let the stop complete or issue the SETXCF STOP command with UNCOND=YES. Once the path is stopped, issue the SETXCF command to start the path again.
    • If the status is STOPFAILED, enter SETXCF STOP path command(s) to try stopping the path again. If the failure persists, specify the UNCOND=YES option on the stop path commands to unconditionally stop the path.
    • Examine the system logs to gather more information about signalling paths that are stopped or have failed to start. Resolve any hardware problems.
    • Enter a SETXCF START command to start the path again.

    If a needed signalling path is not displayed, enter SETXCF START path command to start the path needed to establish signalling connectivity.

    After resolving these path problems, reply INTERVAL=nnn on the IPLing system to allow XCF additional time to establish connectivity.

  5. What is the status of the signalling paths in the IPLing system?

    Examine the system logs from all systems for any additional data, especially messages about stopped paths or paths that failed to be started. If these messages originate from the IPLing system, and the paths needed for connectivity are either stopped or have not been successfully started, reinitialize XCF with the COUPLExx parmlib member that corresponds to the configuration. As a last resort, take a stand-alone dump from the IPLing system. View the dump with the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). Use the VERBX MTRACE command to view messages issued to the system log during the IPL.

  6. If connectivity is not established at this point, what diagnostic aids does the IBM Support Center need?
    Contact the IBM Support Center. The system programmer should provide the following information:
    1. A copy of the configuration chart
    2. The console output from the DISPLAY command showing the signalling path status
    3. The COUPLExx parmlib definition for each system
    4. System logs from all systems
    5. An SVC dump from the active system including the XCF address space, the XCF data spaces, and LSQA.
    6. A stand-alone dump from the IPLing system, also containing the XCF data spaces.

System programmer response

Provide a configuration chart for the operator which describes the signalling paths used to establish signalling connectivity between every pair of systems in the sysplex. Ensure that the COUPLExx parmlib member correctly defines the signalling paths needed to establish signalling connectivity. Ensure that the necessary signalling paths are defined to systems already active in the sysplex. Ensure that the underlying hardware (devices, coupling facilities, coupling data sets) are operational and available to the appropriate systems. For list structures, ensure that the appropriate CFRM policy is active. Examine the system logs to determine why signalling connectivity could not be established. Messages IXC305I, IXC307I, and IXC467I identify path problems. Message IXC466I indicates when a signalling path is established.


Cross System Coupling Facility (SCXCF)



Routing code

1, 2

Descriptor code