A coupling facility structure user request for non-volatility and failure-isolation from connectors is not satisfied.



An allocated coupling facility structure was connected to with IXLCONN NONVOLREQ=YES, requesting non-volatility and failure-isolation from connectors. The structure is not in a coupling facility with non-volatile storage, or a connector to the structure is not failure-isolated from the structure instances.

See accompanying message IXCH0910I for more information.

For applications that request it, structures should be allocated in a coupling facility that provides non-volatility and failure-isolation from connectors.

System action

The system continues processing.

Operator response

Report this problem to the system programmer.

System programmer response

If all coupling facilities containing the structure are volatile, move a structure instance to a non-volatile coupling facility that provides failure-isolation from connectors, or accomplish the same result by changing a coupling facility to be non-volatile. Only one structure instance of a duplex structure needs to be in a non-volatile coupling facility for the structure to be considered non-volatile. The following system commands might provide additional information:


If a connector is not failure-isolated from the structure instances, determine the action needed to provide failure-isolation. Note that a connector only has to be failure-isolated from one structure instance of a duplexed pair of structure instances to be considered failure-isolated. The following system command might provide additional information:


Problem determination

See IXCH0910I in the message buffer that identifies the coupling facility structure and connectors that caused the exception.


Parallel Sysplex® (XCF)



Routing code

See note 35.

Descriptor code

3 is the default set by this check. See note 1.

Reference Documentation

z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex