[jjj, sss [.ppp]] USER NOT [RACF] AUTHORIZED TO DASD DATA SET = dsname,volser


Although you were authorized by RACF® to access the data set at the time it was opened, you are not authorized at the time of restart.

In the message text:
The job name.
The stepname.
The procedure step name.
The data set name.
The volume serial number.

System action

Restart will be ended with system completion code 13F.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the JCL and the RACF profile for the data set. Obtain the ABEND dump for the failing job step. If the JCL for the step did not contain a DD statement for an ABEND dump, add one of the following and run the job step again. Use a SYSMDUMP DD statement if you plan to analyze and format the dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS).
  • SYSABEND DD statement
  • SYSMDUMP DD statement
  • SYSUDUMP DD statement

Programmer response

Obtain authorization to the data set from the data set owner, and resubmit the job.


Data Facility Product (DFP)

Routing code


Descriptor code