IEC161I (return code 039)
rc[(sfi)]-ccc,jjj, sss,ddname,dev,ser,xxx, dsname,cat


For general information about message IEC161I, see the explanation for return code 001.

Specific information for this return code: OPEN processing encountered an empty upgrade alternate index.

System action

OPEN processing continues; however, the empty upgrade alternate index is not updated to reflect changes in the base data set. The error flag (ACBERFLG) in the ACB (access method block) for the data set is set to 100 (X'64').

Programmer response

You can ignore the warning and process the base data set, but the empty upgrade alternate index will not be updated to reflect changes in the base data set. Use the access method services BLDINDEX command to build an upgrade alternate index.


IDA0192B, IDAV192B

Routing code


Descriptor code