
This message follows messages IEB545I and IEB546I which describe associated data sets that appear to be missing from the diskettes containing associated data sets. An associated data set is considered a missing data set in the following cases:
  • The requested data set is on a diskette that was fed into the 3540 stacker while reading part of a multivolume data set on the same diskette.
  • The job stream contains more than one associated data set request for a data set that is the only data set on the diskette. After the data set has been read to satisfy the first request, the diskette is placed in the stacker and is therefore unavailable for other requests for the same data set.
  • The data set identifier in the diskette label does not match the data set identifier in the JCL associated data set request due to key entry errors.
  • The requested data set was not on the diskettes submitted with the job.
  • The operator did not supply the correct volume accessibility qualifiers for the diskette containing the data set during the allowed three attempts.
  • The volume containing the requested associated data set did not have a valid VOL1 label and therefore was placed in the stacker without searching for data sets.
  • The index track on the volume containing the requested associated data set could not be read and the diskette was therefore placed in the stacker without searching for data sets.

In the first two cases, the missing data sets may be retrieved by replacing the diskettes in the 3540 hopper and indicating that the reader should again search the diskettes.

System action

The system action is determined by the operator's response.

Operator response

  • If the data set(s) listed in message IEB546I are available, the operator should load the diskettes containing those data sets into the hopper of the device named in the message IEB545I, ready the device, and reply RETRY. The reader will then continue processing with these associated data sets.
  • If the data set(s) are not available, the operator should reply GO. The diskette reader will then resume processing without the required associated data sets.

Programmer response

All associated data sets required for a given job stream should be available when the job stream is processed by the diskette reader.



Routing code


Descriptor code