
An error was detected while attempting to open the input data set or while processing continuation diskettes of the multivolume input data set on the device. A continuation diskette is any diskette in a multivolume file except the first one. The sequence error is a result of one of the following conditions:
  • The continuation volume in the drive unit does not contain a HDR1 label describing the data set being processed. This condition may arise because diskettes with incorrect VOL1 or HDR1 labels have been flushed.
  • The volume sequence number in the HDR1 label describing the first extent of the data set was one. The volume sequence number in the HDR1 label describing the extent now in the drive unit is a value other than one greater than the previous volume sequence number.
  • The volume sequence number in the HDR1 label describing the first extent of the data set was non-blank and was not 1.
  • While opening a data set, a volume sequence number of other than blank or one was found in the HDR1 label.
  • While opening a data set, a multivolume indicator of L was found in a HDR1 label with a blank volume sequence number.
In the message text:
The device indicated.
The multivolume input data set.

System action

Wait for operator response and continue processing.

Operator response

Provide the correct diskettes in the correct order, without any intervening diskettes, and enter REPLY xx, ‘R’ to retry and continue reading the multivolume file. If unable to provide the correct diskettes in the correct order, enter REPLY xx, ‘C’ to cancel processing of the data set.

Programmer response

Ensure that the diskettes for the multivolume file are contiguous and in the correct order before submitting the job.



Routing code


Descriptor code