
In the statement preceding this message, a parameter beginning in the column is incorrect:
  • A member name contains more than eight characters.
  • In the RECORD statement, the IDENT keyword is followed by more than three parameters.
  • In the RECORD statement, the FIELD keyword is followed by more than four parameters.
  • In the RECORD statement, the conversion parameters in the FIELD keyword are not HE, PZ, or ZD.
  • In the RECORD statement, the LABELS keyword is not followed by a number from one to eight.
  • In the LABELS statement, the parameters in the DATA keyword are not ALL, ONLY, YES, NO, or INPUT.
  • In the GENERATE statement, the parameter in the MAXFLDS, MAXNAME, MAXGPS or MAXLITS keyword is not within the specified limits.
In the message text:
The specified column.

System action

The job is ended. The return code is 12.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job.

Programmer response

Probable user error. Correct the error and resubmit the job.
