{I/O ERR | LBL ERR | SEC VOL | DUP VOL | LBL STD} dev, ser[,labtyp] [,ser] [,labtyp],jjj,sss [,dsname] LBL [ UNI ] STD dev,ser[,reason] [,labid-postn],jjj,sss [,dsname], VRSN [,VMM]


An error has been detected processing the volume on the device.

If I/O ERR appears in the message text, an uncorrectable input/output error occurred while processing labels on the volume. If this is an uninitialized tape and tapevol protection is active, this message will be issued and the volume will be rejected because the system is not capable of identifying the tape for a protection check. In this case, a not capable error also will be received (IOS000I NCA).

If the tape is an output tape, the tape label has probably been destroyed. The tape must be relabeled or reinitialized with a tape mark before it can be used again.

If LBL ERR appears in the message text, the mounted volume has a different volume serial number or label attribute than the requested volume. The mounted volume is identified by the first ser in the message and the requested volume is identified by the second ser. If UNI appears in the message text, an uninitialized or degaussed tape cartridge is mounted. Additional messages will be issued to change the label or dismount the tape. When VRSN is specified, an ISO/ANSI version conflict has been detected. Either the version is not a supported version, or there is a conflict between the mounted version and the requested version. The supported versions are 1, 3, and 4.

If SEC VOL appears in the message text, data set password protected tape volume ser was mounted on tape device dev. One of the following occurred:
  • The program was attempting to process the volume as NL or NSL; LABEL=NL or LABEL=NSL was specified on the JCL.
  • The data set name on the tape did not match the data set name specified by the DSN parameter in the JCL.
  • The label is ISO/ANSI Version 1 or version x, but the accessibility code is not blank.
  • The label is ISO/ANSI Version 3 or Version 4, but the accessibility code is an incorrect character *(not uppercase A through Z).
    Note: *For Version 4, the allowable characters are: Uppercase A-Z, number 0-9, and special characters ! * " % & ' ( ) + , -/ : ; < = > ? _
  • The label is ISO/ANSI Version 3 or Version 4, but the VOL1 accessibility code was rejected by the ISO/ANSI volume access exit.
  • The label is ISO/ANSI Version 3 or Version 4, but the HDR1 accessibility code was rejected by the ISO/ANSI file access exit.
  • The label is ISO/ANSI Version 3 or Version 4, but the HDR1 accessibility code indicated password protection.
  • The label is ISO/ANSI Version 3 or Version 4, but RACF® or RACHECK installation exits did not authorize access.

If DUP VOL appears in the message text, end-of-volume has detected that the volser of the volume mounted to satisfy a non specific mount request already exists in the JFCB volume list. End-of-volume will demount the volume and reissue the non specific mount request.

If DUP VOL appears in the message text, the mounted volume has previously been mounted in the same job to satisfy a nonspecific mount request. Duplicate volume serial numbers in the JFCB volume list are not allowed. Subsequent messages indicate the disposition and ask that a volume be mounted.

If a MONITOR DSNAME command is active, dsname indicates the data set requesting the volume.

If LBL STD appears in the message text, an error was detected during validation of a label. The error is a direct violation of, or a conflict in system support for, the published standards for the label and its associated file structure. DFSMS Using Magnetic Tapes describes the specifications and processing of tape labels.

If VMM (Volser MisMatch) appears in the message text, a nonspecific mount request in an automated tape library resulted in a difference between the internal volume serial number of the VOL1 label, and the external volume serial number.

In the message text, reason is one of the following:
Validation Error Detected
An incorrect character type. For example, an alphabetic character is found in a numeric field.
A value out of bounds, unknown, or unsupported. For example, the specified block size is unsupported.
Data incorrectly aligned. For example, an alphabetic field is not left-justified.
A label out of sequence.
A label version that is not supported. That is, the label on a mounted tape is not compatible with the system's tape labeling requirements.
A duplicate data set name found during data set positioning.
A file set contains a data set immediately before the requested data set on the same volume with an expiration date lower than the expiration date of the data set to be written.
A request that will result in an unmatching or unsymmetrical set of labels and/or inconsistent file structure.

labid is the label identifier, for example, VOL1. The identifier is followed in the message text by a slash (/) to signify that the label was about to be written when the error was detected.

The labid field is blank when a reliable label is not available, for example, when reason is SYMM.

For DATA, RANG, or ALGN reasons, postn in the message text is the character position within the label when a validation error is detected. The postn value can indicate an error in an existing label or in data used to construct a new label.

For DUPL, DATE, or SEQU reasons, postn is the file sequence number relative to the beginning of the current volume.

For a VRSN reason, postn is the version character from VOL1 position 80.

postn is ACCODE if the file accessibility code supplied by the user job step is incorrect. A value of 254+ in the message indicates a file sequence number greater than 254.

For a SYMM reason, postn is blank in the message text because a specific error location is not available. This can occur when a data set is opened for MOD (OLD OUTPUT/OUTIN), INOUT, OUTINX, or EXTEND.

In the message text:
Names the job requesting the volume.
Names the job step requesting the volume.
The volume serial number. One of the following:
  • A specific tape volume serial number

SCRTCH or PRIVAT indicate non-specific volume requests. SCRTCH is used when the dataset being created on the non-specific volume is temporary [DISP=(NEW,DELETE) or DSN=&&tempname]. PRIVAT is used for all other cases of non-specific volumes.

The device number of the specified device.
The data set name.
The label type of the mounted volume (either SL, NL, AL, or NSL) and will appear for tape volumes only.
The label identification and position.
The reason code.

System action

If I/O ERR or SEC VOL appears in the message text, the system rewinds the volume and unloads the unit. If the original request was for a SCRTCH or PRIVAT volume, the system requests a new volume. Otherwise, the system ends the job step.

If LBL STD appears in the message text and VRSN does not, the installation label validation exit is entered to determine further processing. If both LBL STD and VRSN appear in the message text, the system does one of the following:
  • Enters the volume label editor, if the volume is being used for output to the first data set (except extending the data set, such as DISP=MOD).
  • Rejects the volume for all other output requests.
  • Rejects the volume for all input requests. Input volumes with label versions other than the supported versions are rejected.

Operator response

If I/O ERR, LBL ERR, or SEC VOL appears in the message, respond as indicated in subsequent messages.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the JCL, the SYSOUT output, the program listing for the job, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem.

Programmer response

If LBL STD appears in the message, reasons DATA, RANG, or ALGN indicate an ISO/ANSI Version 3 or Version 4 standards violation in label labid at position postn. Correct the label before rerunning the job.

Reason RANG with postn ACCODE indicates that the ACCODE value specified in the JCL is not a valid character. Specify only * uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z) for an ACCODE value. ACCODE from JCL can be one to eight characters, but only the first character is processed.

Note: *For Version 4, the allowable characters are: Uppercase A-Z, number 0-9, and special characters ! * " % & ' ( ) + , -/ : ; < = > ? _

If LBL STD appears in the message text, reasons SEQU, DUPL, or DATE indicate an error during positioning of the tape to the requested data set. The error was detected at the file number indicated in postn, relative to the beginning of the volume. A postn value of 254+ means that the problem occurred at a data set beyond the 254th data set on the volume. The labid with a DATE reason is the label identifier of the previous data set's trailing label, which was used to compare the expiration date sequence. Correct the source of the violation before rerunning the job.

If LBL STD appears in the message text, reason SYMM indicates that specifications for the data set will produce unsymmetrical ISO/ANSI labels framing the data set, or that the ISO/ANSI label will not match its counterpart at the end of the data set. Some mismatches are allowed by the ISO/ANSI standard, such as block length and reserved for system use. In the message, labid and postn are blank. A SYMM violation results from:
  • DISP=(MOD,...) for an existing output data set, including OUTIN.
  • Open for EXTEND, OUTINX, or INOUT.
  • Using an EXCP DCB without at least a four-word device-dependent area, to maintain a tape block count.

Correct the violation, and rerun the job.

If LBL STD appears in the message text, reason VRSN indicates that the system cannot process the mounted volume, which contains an ISO/ANSI label with a version other than 3 or 4 indicated. The version code contained in the VOL1 label on the mounted volume is displayed as postn in the message. An ISO/ANSI labeled volume cannot be processed when:
  • The volume is being processed for input and the version number is not 1, 3, or 4.
  • The volume is being processed for output to other than the first data set and the version is not 3 or4.
Correct the violation and rerun the job. A version 3 or version 4 ISO/ANSI label can be created by using the IEHINITT utility program.
Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with:
On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify:





Routing code


Descriptor code