IEA480E (form 2 of 2)
yyyy,{TLIB | TCU | TVIR | TAPE}, mt, {ACUTE | SERIOUS | MODERATE | SERVICE} ALERT, SER=mmpp-sssss, MC=mc, ES=es, ID=id, REF= ref1-ref2-ref3, UM=um1-um2-um3, {CLEAN | CLEAN/SERVICE | CLEANED} , REPEATED


IEA480E is a Service Information Message (SIM) console message. The specified tape library, tape controller, virtual tape server, or tape drive unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires operator or service attention.

In the message text:
Address of unit that reported the SIM message.
Automated tape library.
Tape control unit.
Virtual Tape Server (VTS).
Tape drive.
Machine type of unit that caused the SIM message. This will reflect the software image of the machine type, not necessarily the underlying physical machine type. VTS, for example, will report '3490' as the machine type, even though the underlying drive machine type might be 3590.
Indicates the severity of the SIM message. ACUTE is the most severe and SERVICE is the least severe.
Serial number of unit referenced by the SIM message.
Message code. Indicates source of SIM.
Exception/Service code.
Identifier of the SIM in the control unit internal SIM log.
Error reference codes.
Unit modifier reference codes. Some software releases may not include these codes.
Tape drive requires cleaning cartridge to be inserted. Only returned for a TAPE unit.
Tape drive requires cleaning cartridge to be inserted. Repeated occurrences of CLEAN/SERVICE indicate the need for additional service. Only returned for a TAPE unit.
Cleaning just completed for the tape drive. Cleaning cartridge ejected. Only returned for a TAPE unit.
Indicates this SIM has already been presented at least once prior to this presentation.

System action

The system logs an alert in the LOGREC data set and continues processing.

Operator response

The system issues this message to indicate that operator or service attention is required. Follow your installation's procedures for obtaining service. Consult your customer engineer, if applicable.

If the specified unit is TAPE and CLEAN is presented (or ES=89), then cleaning is required. Note that some software levels will only specify the ES code for cleaning.

If the specified unit is TAPE and CLEAN/SERVICE is presented (or ES=8B), then cleaning is required. Note that some software levels will only specify the ES code for cleaning.

Repetitive occurrences of the CLEAN/SERVICE message indicate that service beyond cleaning is required.

If the specified unit is TAPE and CLEANED is presented (or ES=9A), then cleaning was completed. No further action is required. Note that some software levels will only specify the ES code for cleaning completed.

If the specified unit is TAPE and ES has any other value, then consult your customer engineer for detailed recovery actions for the installed tape drive.

If the specified unit is TLIB, then consult your customer engineer for detailed recovery actions for the installed library.

If the specified unit is TVIR, then consult your customer engineer for detailed recovery actions for the installed VTS product.

If the specified unit is TCU, then consult your customer engineer for detailed recovery actions for the installed tape control unit.

System programmer response

Run an EREP System Exception Report to obtain a Service Information Message report for additional information.





Routing code

1, 6

Descriptor code

2, 4 for ACUTE ALERT

4 for other ALERT