CNZZ042I   MSGFLD Status: mf-status Policy policy-status Using PARMLIB member: membernm Message rate monitoring mrmstatus mrm-count msgs mrmtmsecs sec flood-status [JOBNAME ASID T MSGS-ACTED-ON --DURATION -------STARTED-----] [jobname asid u actoncount mmmm yyyyjjj][jobname asid u Tracking count trkcnt1 not > JOBTHRESH jtvalue][MSG-ID ASID T MSGS-ACTED-ON --DURATION -------STARTED-----][msgid asid u actoncount mmmm yyyyjjj][msgid asid u Tracking count trkcnt2 not > MSGLIMIT mlvalue]


Message CNZZ042I is issued in response to the DISPLAY MSGFLD,STATUS command and provides the current status of various Message Flood Automation functions.

The JOBNAME header line and one or more information lines are only present if a REGULAR or ACTION message flood is underway. An information line may contain a count of the messages issued within the current time interval if the job is being tracked but action is not yet being taken against the job.

The MSG-ID header line and one or more information lines are only present if a SPECIFIC message flood is underway. An information line may contain a count of the messages issued within the current time interval if the SPECIFIC message is being tracked but action is not yet being taken against the SPECIFIC message.

In the message text:
The state of Message Flood Automation: either ENABLED or DISABLED. In the ENABLED state, Message Flood Automation will take action if a message flood occurs. In the DISABLED state, Message Flood Automation will take no action if a message flood occurs.
The state of Message Flood Automation policy: either UNINITIALIZED or INITIALIZED.
The name of the currently loaded MSGFLDxx Parmlib member. If the name is "internal", no MSGFLDxx Parmlib member has been loaded and Message Flood Automation will use its internal defaults if it is ENABLED.
The number of seconds that have elapsed since Message Rate Monitoring was enabled.
The number of messages that have been counted since Message Rate Monitoring was enabled.
The number of seconds that have elapsed since Message Rate Monitoring was enabled.
One of the following:
  • No message flood is underway. There is no message flood information to display.
  • A message flood is underway. Message flood information follows in the message.
The name of a job involved in the message flood.
An address space contributing to the message flood. If this is a SPECIFIC message flood, this may not be the only address space issuing the SPECIFIC message.
The type of message flood: either R for REGULAR, A for ACTION, S for SPECIFIC.
The number of messages that have been acted on by Message Flood Automation at the time the command was processed.
The duration of the message flood at the time the command was processed, in minutes, seconds and hundredths of seconds.
The date and time that the message flood began.
The number of messages that have been issued by the job in the current interval.
The current JOBTHRESH value.
The number of instances of this message ID that have been issued in the current interval.
The current MSGLIMIT value.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

If the message indicates that Message Flood Automation is DISABLED and you would like to ENABLE it, issue a SETMF ON command.

If the message indicates that Message Flood Automation is ENABLED and you would like to DISABLE it, issue a SETMF OFF command.

If the message indicates that Message Flood Automation is using its internal policy, or it indicates the name of a MSGFLDxx PARMLIB member that you no longer want to use, issue a SET MSGFLD=xx command where "xx" is the suffix of the MSGFLDxx PARMLIB member you wish to load.

If the message indicates that Message Rate Monitoring is DISABLED and you would like to ENABLE it, issue a SETMF MONITORON command.

If the message indicates that Message Rate Monitoring is ENABLED and you would like to DISABLE it, issue a SETMF MONITOROFF command.

If the message indicates that a message flood is underway, examine the duration of the message flood. If the flood is recent and of short duration, you may not have to do anything if the flood is not affecting other work. If the flood began some time ago, or is affecting other work, you may need to take action by canceling the job(s) that are causing the flood. Most message floods are very brief. If the flood persists for more than a few minutes, you should consult with your system programmer or supervisor before taking action.

System programmer response

If the message indicates that a message flood is underway, you should first determine whether you are dealing with an actual message flood or a message burst caused by a normal, transient condition.

Improperly specified Message Flood Automation policy can cause Message Flood Automation to take action when it should not. The job and SPECIFIC message thresholds should be set high enough that normally occurring transients are ignored, but low enough that message floods are caught before they can affect other work. You should use the Message Rate Monitoring facility and the output from the DISPLAY MSGFLD,MSGRATE command to determine if your job and SPECIFIC message thresholds are set appropriately.

If a real message flood is underway, and it is persisting, you may need to take action to prevent further damage to your system. You should use this message to identify the jobs or messages involved in the message flood and decide whether it is appropriate to cancel them.




Message Flood Automation

Routing Code


Descriptor Code

5, 8, 9