CLB9900   An attempt to allocate memory has failed.


The attempt at obtaining memory in order to satisfy the current library request has failed.

System action

The requested function will fail.

Programmer response

Run the program in a larger region or use the HEAP(,,FREE) run-time option instead of the HEAP(,,KEEP) option.

CLB9901   IOStreams do not support Record Mode I/O.


The application is attempting to initialize an IOStreams object to perform Record Mode I/O. Record Mode I/O is not supported in IOStreams objects.

System action

The attempt to initialize the object has failed. Execution continues.

Programmer response

Remove the type=record specification from the constructor or open() function call.

CLB9902   too many characters


The application called the form() function with a format specifier string that caused form() to write past the end of the format buffer. form() is an obsolete interface provided in stream.h for compatibility with old code.

System action

Execution is aborted.

Programmer response

Split the call to form() into two or more calls.

CLB9903   singularity: log((0,0))


The application is attempting to take the log of (0.0, 0.0).

System action

Execution is aborted.

Programmer response

Correct the value passed to log() and resubmit.