

DFSMShsm dump task id was unable to stack a dump of source volume volser (usually after two attempts, separated by time) on a dump volume with other dumps, because another DFSMShsm function was processing volser at the time.

The return and reason codes have the following values:
Table 1. ARC0655I Return and Reason codes
Retcode Reascode Meaning
2 0 Unable to find or build an MVT.
4 0 Unable to enqueue resource ARCPVOL/volser.
6 4 The requested record is in use by another host. Message ARC0371I states the record type, key, and the host ID that uses the record.
  8 Unable to read record.
  12 Unable to read record.
  16 The minimum time has not elapsed between two consecutive autodumps for the volume.
10 0 The requested SDSP is in use.
14 0 SMS environment error. Message ARC0570I gives details.

System action

During autodump—depending on the value of MAXDUMPTASKS and the time needed for the other DFSMShsm function to complete—DFSMShsm may have succeeded in stacking a dump of volser during some later dump task, or it may have had to dump the volume to a dump tape by itself.

During command dump, volser is not dumped.

Programmer response

For autodump, if message ARC0623I does not appear for volser, issue a BACKVOL VOLUMES(volser) DUMP command to get a (nonstacked) dump of volser.

For command dumps, reissue the BACKVOL VOLUMES(volser) DUMP command when DFSMShsm auto functions are not executing.

For autodump, Retcode 6 with Reascode 16, minimum time has not elapsed. The minimum time defaults to 14 hours and is stored in a patchable field in the MCVT. You can find examples of patches that can be issued to run autodump multiple times a day in z/OS DFSMShsm Implementation and Customization Guide, Chapter 16, Tuning DFSMShsm.
