XRC SESSION(session_id) ENCOUNTERED AN ERROR PROCESSING STORAGE CONTROL ssid SESSION session_number, RC=return_code, REAS=reason_code


This message might occur when an operation suspends an XRC storage control session ID. Or it might reflect an error condition.

The XRC session identified by session_id has encountered an error while it processed the storage control session specified by ssid in session session_number. The processing ended with the specified return code and reason code. If multiple storage control sessions exist for the storage control, you might receive a message for each session that is based on the scope of the error. All volume pairs having primary devices on the indicated storage control will be suspended.

Following an error that suspends all volumes, reader activity pauses while device suspension is completed. During this period, storage control sessions with significant residual counts might be suspended by either the system data mover or the storage subsystem. The completion of these suspensions might take several minutes after the ANTX8120I for "all volumes suspended" message. Message ANTX5119E with RC=647 and message ANTV8107I for the associated XRCUTL volume accompany the suspensions.

System action

XRC functions are active.

System programmer response

This message might be the result of an event that suspends XRC volumes. The MODIFY SUSSESS and XSWAP PREPARE functions are two examples of operations that might result in this message. Determine whether there is an event that causes an expected session suspension. If not, see SDM and XRC return codes in this information for an explanation of the return and reason codes.

Based on the return and reason codes, volumes that are attached to the specified storage control can not be processing normally. Gather diagnostic information; if volume pairs were suspended, add the suspended volume pairs back into the XRC session after you have corrected the error. If this is not possible, you can be forced to suspend the active session or cancel the particular ANTASnnn address space, restart the session, and reissue the XADDPAIR command for all volumes that are associated with the reported session. This will require a full-volume synchronization of these volumes.


Extended remote copy (XRC).