FLASHCOPY reqtype EXTERR exttype1 EXT extnum1 AND exttype2 EXT extnum2 ON DEVN devn FC=fc


The FlashCopy® request reqtype contained an invalid extent specification for device devn.

exttype1 and exttype2 indicate the extent type of SOURCE or TARGET.

extnum1 and extnum2 indicate the position number of the extent in error as specified on the request. An extent consists of the beginning track and ending track identifiers specified on the request (also called an extent range). For example, the first source extent specified on the request will have the position number of '1', the second source extent specified will have the position number of = '2', etc. The first target extent specified on the request will have the position number of '1', the second target extent specified will have the position number of '2', and so forth.

The device number devn indicated in this message will reference the source device number specified on the request unless the invalid extent specified was only found on the target device, in which case devn will indicate the target device number, or dashes (––) if a device number is not available. If the invalid extent specification is found on a single device, either source or target device, exttype2 and extnum2 will contain dashes (––).

The following function codes (fc) indicate the particular invalid specification that was found for the extent or extents:
You already specified this extent as a source extent for this request. You have already specified an extent range which includes this extent.
You already specified this extent as a target extent for this request. You have already specified an extent range which includes this extent.
The extent specification is not 8 characters long.
The extent specification contains non-hexadecimal characters.
The extent specification is incomplete. Both beginning and ending track identifiers must be specified for an extent
The extent specification is beyond the range of the device.
The extent specification is beyond the range of the number of tracks per cylinder.
The beginning track identifier is greater than the ending track identifier for the extent.
The number of source and target tracks is not equal for the specified extents.
The number of source and target extents is not equal.

System action

FlashCopy request not processed.

System programmer response

Make the appropriate changes to the specified request, and resubmit the request. Use the FlashCopy query request to determine the current status of the device. See z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services for examples of FlashCopy query output. If the request continues to fail, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.


ESS FlashCopy.