(xxx)-mmmmm(yy), NO DATA SETS PROCESSED FROM {VOLUME volume_serial_number. VOLUME CONTAINS AN OUTPUT DATA SET | LOGICAL VOLUME volume_serial_number}


One of the following applies:
  • A data set DUMP, COPY, CONVERTV, or RESTORE did not select any data sets that matched the filtering criteria.
  • The input volume cannot be processed because the selected volume contains an output data set that is used during dump. An S138 abend would result if DFSMSdss attempted to extend the data set.
  • The selected data sets cannot be processed because of failure to ENQ or to allocate.
  • The selected data sets cannot be processed because of failure to access the protected data sets.
  • For a RELEASE, no data sets were selected because none have releasable space.
  • For a COMPRESS, no data sets were selected because none are eligible for compression.

System action

Processing continues on the next volume. The return code is 4.

Operator response


Programmer response

