(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), ACCESS DENIED FOR VOLUME volume_serial_number


One of the following explanations applies:
  • The user was unable to obtain the necessary RACF® or password access:
    • To the volume during a data set DUMP/COPY/CONVERTV/PRINT/RESTORE operation
    • To the volume during a COMPRESS or RELEASE operation
    • To a data set on the volume for a full or tracks DUMP/RESTORE/COPY/PRINT operation.
  • The installation-wide exit routine denied access to the volume.
  • The operator denied access to a checkpoint/restart, RACF-protected, or system data set on the volume.
  • I/O errors were encountered during checking authorization of the volume, and the operator denied further processing.

System action

The task ends on a full or tracks operation. The volume is bypassed for a data set operation or for a COMPRESS or RELEASE. The return code is 8.

Operator response

If the programmer has proper authority, reply U to ADR369D or ADR371D.

Programmer response

Obtain proper access authority, and retry the job.
