

This message, part of an XQUERY report, provides information about the use of Parallel Access Volume (PAV) aliases for Enhanced Multiple Readers in the XRC session. The report fields are as follows:

aaaa - The number of readers that use Parallel Access Volume (PAV) aliases as XRC utility devices.

When Enhanced Multiple Readers are not used, or when each reader has a unique XRCUTL volume assigned, the PAV count is zero. When Enhanced Multiple Readers are used, the PAV count is equal to the number of readers that use Parallel Access Volume (PAV) aliases as utility devices. Note that the PAV count is not included in the TOTAL volume count in the ANTQ8238I message.

System action

XRC functions are active.

System programmer response

There are conditions when volumes are being added, deleted, or suspended when the numbers reported by this message can not agree with the number of volumes reported by the accompanying volume or configuration report. In this case, reissue the command after the transitory change has occurred to verify that the total number is consistent. If the command has been accepted and this message has not been displayed either at the system console log or at the user ID specified by the MSGROUTEID parameter, see message ANTT0099I.


Extended remote copy (XRC).