command FAILED FOR TRIPLET(pvolser/pdevnum,svolser/sdevnum,swapvol/swapdev) FOR SESSION(session1), DEVICE(bad_volser/bad_device) IS A device_type IN SESSION(session2)


Start of changeThe device denoted by volser bad_volser with device bad_device for the triplet with primary volser pvolser primary device pdevnum, secondary volser svolser secondary device sdevnum, swap volser swapvol swap device swapdev with a device_type of PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or SWAP is already in XRC session2, and therefore cannot be added to session1. End of change

Note that swap VOLSERs are denoted as *SWAP* (excluding swap utilities) and any unavailable VOLSER is denoted as *OFFL*.

In the message text:
The XRC command issued.
TRIPLET(pvolser/pdevnum,svolser/sdevnum,swapvol/swapdev) FOR SESSION(session1)
Information for the primary device triplet that the command was unable to add to XRC session session1.
The primary device number and volser for the device triplet.
The secondary device number and volser for the device triplet.
The swap device number and volser for the device triplet.
The session name for the XRC session the command tried to add the device triplet to.
DEVICE(bad_volser/bad_device) IS A device_type IN SESSION(session2)
Information about the device causing the command to fail because the device already exists in XRC session session2:
The device name for the device that already exists in XRC session session2.
The volume serial number for the device that already exists in session2.
The device type, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, SWAP, or SWAP-UTILITY, of the device that already exists in session2.
The XRC session where the device type already exists.

System action

XRC function is active.

System programmer response

The device is already managed as a primary volume, secondary volume, or a swap volume in another XRC session. To use the device in the new session, it must be removed from the other XRC session:
  • If the bad_device is incorrectly associated as device_type with the triplet, XDELPAIR the primary device associated with the bad_device or bad_volser on session2, and then use GDPS® to XADDPAIR it to session1.


Extended remote copy (XRC).