z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Guide
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Notifying Connectors of Structure Alter Completion

z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Guide

At the completion of the structure alter operation, active connectors again are notified through their event exit. The event is the Structure Alter End event (EEPLALTEREND). The EEPL contains the status of the structure resulting from the alter processing. The connectors should examine the EEPL to determine:
  • Whether the alter request was able to complete
  • Whether the targets were met
  • The achieved structure size, entry and element counts, and EMC counts for the structure
  • The minimum structure size, which might have changed from the structure's initial allocation.

This information is mapped by EEPLALTERENDINFO.

If the Structure Alter End event indicates the completion of a structure alter for a structure in the duplexing rebuild process, EEPLALTERENDINFO contains information identifying the instance of the structure that was altered (EEPLALTERENDDUPREBUILDOLD or EEPLALTERENDDUPREBUILDNEW). When the old structure has completed the alter process, the system automatically initiates the alter process for the new structure. Connectors therefore will receive two sets of Structure Alter events for the duplexed structure, an EEPLALTERBEGIN and EEPLALTEREND event for the old structure which is altered first, followed by an EEPLALTERBEGIN and EEPLALTEREND event for the new structure. Connectors can use this information to determine if they need to change their use of the structure now that it has been altered. For example, prior to the structure being altered, the connector might have set list controls, such as list limits for entries and elements, for a particular list based on the currently allocated structure. After the structure is altered, the total number of entries and elements might have changed, and the connector might need to reset the list limits accordingly.

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