Volume header section

Offsets to the volume component sections are zero if there are no statistics available to the component.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 S42VTNXT 4 binary Offset to next volume header section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
4 4 S42VTSER 6 EBCDIC Volume serial identification.
10 A S42VTADR 2 binary Binary device number.
12 C S42VTFL1 1 binary Device descriptor flags.


1... ....
Device is online
.1.. ....
Device is SMS managed
..xx xxxx
13 D   7 EBCDIC Reserved.
20 14 S42TUNC 4 binary Count of I/O not captured by the VTOC or VVDS component statistics.
24 18 S42VTVDO 4 binary Offset to VTOC Data component section.
28 1C S42VTVDL 2 binary Length of VTOC Data component section.
30 1E * 2 EBCDIC Reserved.
32 20 S42VTVXO 4 binary Offset to VTOC Index component section.
36 24 S42VTVXL 2 binary Length of VTOC Index component section.
38 26 * 2 EBCDIC Reserved.
40 28 S42VTVVO 4 binary Offset to VVDS component section.
44 2C S42VTVVL 2 binary Length of VVDS component section.
42 2E * 2 EBCDIC Reserved.