Transaction Data Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF59TTQ 4 binary Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the transaction was queued (GMT).
4 4 SMF59DTQ 4 packed Date when the transaction was queued, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
8 8 SMF59TTC 4 binary Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the transaction was completed (GMT).
12 C SMF59DTC 4 packed Date when the transaction was completed, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
16 10 SMF59BJN 8 EBCDIC MVS/BDT job name.
24 18 SMF59PNM 20 EBCDIC Programmer name.
44 2C SMF59TPR 2 EBCDIC Transaction priority.
46 2E SMF59TCM 2 EBCDIC Transaction completion code
operator cancelled
48 30 SMF59BTC 8 EBCDIC MVS/BDT transaction code X'51' — NJE transaction Q — self-defining transaction GMJD member name.
56 38 SMF59TD1 4   Reserved.
60 3C SMF59BCT 8 binary Number of bytes transferred.
68 44 SMF59US1 40 EBCDIC User area (initialized with blanks).