Subtype 43 — Linux_OperatingSystemMetrics

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R10443MNAME 64 EBCDIC Name of measured element, extracted from the MeasuredElementName attribute of the CIM_BaseMetricValue instance.
64 40 R10443CCI 8 floating CPU time consumed by this operating system divided by CPU time which could have been used by the operating system within the interval. The value of this metric is between 0 (no CPU time consumed) and 1 (all entitled CPU capacity used).


72 48 R10443CSR 8 floating Number of context switches per second. Scheduler efficiency is one major bottleneck for highly scalable server images. This metric shows how demanding a workload is with regard to the operating system scheduler.


80 50 R10443EVKMP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used by this operating system in kernel mode in relation to the CPU capacity of the virtual server without taking capping effects or competition with other workloads into account.


88 58 R10443EVTCP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used by this operating system in relation to the CPU capacity of the virtual server without taking capping effects or competition with other partitions into account.


96 60 R10443EVUMP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used by this operating system in user mode in relation to the CPU capacity of the virtual server without taking capping effects or competition with other workloads into account.


104 68 R10443FPM 8 floating Amount of physical memory currently unused and available. In a virtualized environment this is the free memory available to the operating system.


112 70 R10443FSIPF 8 floating Amount of virtual memory that can be mapped into the operating system's paging files without causing any used pages to be purged from the paging files. If an operating system does not support paging, a value of zero is returned.


120 78 R10443FVM 8 floating Amount of virtual memory currently unused and available.


128 80 R10443HIR 8 floating Number of hardware interrupts per second.


136 88 R10443IVIP 8 floating Percentage of time this operating system was idle (OS view). Idle is the CPU time spent looking for work. In a virtual environment, idle time can be used by other operating systems running on the same physical server.


144 90 R10443IVKMP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used in kernel mode by this operating system.


152 98 R10443IVTCP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used by this operating system.


160 A0 R10443IVUMP 8 floating Percentage of CPU resources used in user mode by this operating system.


168 A8 R10443KMT 8 floating CPU time the operating system spent in kernel mode during the interval.


176 B0 R10443LA 8 floating Average number of dispatchable units in the ready queue, not counting any idle tasks. A currently running unit is counted as dispatchable unit as well.


184 B8 R10443NOP 8 floating Number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the operating system.


192 C0 R10443NOU 8 floating Number of user sessions for which the operating system is currently storing state information. If the same user is logged on several times, each session is counted separately.


200 C8 R10443PIR 8 floating Average number of pages paged in per second.


208 D0 R10443POR 8 floating Average number of pages paged out per second.


216 D8 R10443SSIPF 8 floating Number of kilobytes that can be stored in the operating system's paging files. This number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk. A value of zero indicates that there are no paging files.


224 E0 R10443TCT 8 floating CPU Time the operating system spent during the interval. The value is the sum of KernelModeTime and UserModeTime and does not include any idle time.


232 E8 R10443TVIRMS 8 floating Number of kilobytes of virtual memory. This value is the sum of total physical memory and the amount of paging space.


240 F0 R10443TVISMS 8 floating Total amount of physical memory available to the operating system. This value does not necessarily indicate the true amount of physical memory, but indicates the amount that is reported as being available to the operating system.


248 F8 R10443UMT 8 floating CPU time the operating system spent in user mode during the interval.


256 100 R10443UPM 8 floating Amount of physical memory currently in use


264 108 R10443UVM 8 floating Amount of virtual memory currently in use.


272 110 R10443IOWT 8 floating CPU time the operating system spent waiting for I/O during the interval.


280 118 R10443CSC 8 floating Accumulated number of context switches. Scheduler efficiency is one major bottleneck for highly scalable server images. This metric shows how demanding a workload is with regard to the operating system scheduler.


288 120 R10443HIC 8 floating Accumulated number of hardware interrupts..


296 128 R10443LC 8 floating Accumulated number of dispatchable units in the ready queue, not counting any idle tasks. A currently running unit is counted as dispatchable unit as well.


304 130 R10443PIC 8 floating Accumulated number of pages paged in.


312 138 R10443POC 8 floating Accumulated number of pages paged out.
