Identification Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF32JBN 8 EBCDIC TSO user id session name.
8 8 SMF32PGM 8 EBCDIC Program Name.
16 10 SMF32STM 8 EBCDIC Step name.
24 18 SMF32UIF 8 EBCDIC User-defined identification field (taken from common exit parameter area, not from USER=parameter on job statement).
32 20 SMF32JNM 8 EBCDIC JES job number.
40 28 SMF32STN 2 binary Step number.
42 2A   2   Reserved.
44 2C SMF32PGN 2 binary Reserved.
46 2E SMF32JPT 2 binary JES input priority at initiation.
48 30 SMF32AST 4 binary Device allocation start time from midnight, in hundredths of seconds.
52 34 SMF32PPS 4 binary Problem program start time from midnight, in hundredths of a second.
56 38 SMF32SIT 4 Start of changebinaryEnd of change Step initiation time from midnight, in hundredths of a second.
60 3C SMF32STD 4 packed Step initiation date, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
64 40 SMF32RST 4 binary Reader start time from midnight, in hundredths of second.
68 44 SMF32RSD 4 packed Reader start date, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
72 48 SMF32RET 4 binary Time from midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the reader recognized the end of the job or started task. For TSO/E, this is the logon enqueue time.
76 4C SMF32RED 4 packed Date when the reader recognized the end of the batch job or started task, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description. For TSO/E, it is the logon enqueue date.
80 50 SMF32USR 20 EBCDIC Programmer name.
100 64 SMF32GRP 8 EBCDIC RACF® group ID.
108 6C SMF32RUD 8 EBCDIC RACF user ID.
116 74 SMF32TID 8 EBCDIC RACF terminal ID. This field is zero if RACF is not active or if user is not a terminal user.