Hiperbatch Section

This section describes the DASD information acquired from Hiperbatch. These fields are only valid for data sets accessed using Hiperbatch (see SMF14RIN).

If you coded DSECT=YES when calling the IFGSMF14 macro, then it generates a DSECT statement at this point with the DSECT name with "HBTCH" appended to it. For example, if you did not code a label on the IFGSMF14 call, the name of this DSECT will be IFGSMFHBTCH.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMFIOREQ 4 binary Number of requests for I/O issued by the access method for this data set for which Hiperbatch attempted to find the requested data in its buffers (see SMFCHITS and SMFPHIOS).
4 4 SMFCHITS 4 binary Number of requests for I/O issued by the access method for this data set satisfied by moving data from Hiperbatch buffers.
8 8 SMFNMWTS 4 binary Number of times Hiperbatch temporarily suspended this requester because another user was already reading some or all of the requested data.
12 C SMFPHIOS 4 binary Number of requests for I/O issued by the access method for this data set satisfied by performing DASD I/O. Note that the sum of SMFPHIOS and SMFCHITS should equal SMFIOREQ.
16 10 SMFCIOS 4 binary Number of DASD I/Os (as recorded in SMFPHIOS) for which Hiperbatch copied the data into its buffers.