Header/self-defining section, based on the address of SMF record type 113 + the offset value in SMF113DOF

This section contains the common SMF subtype header fields and the triplet fields (offset/length/number), if applicable, that locate the other sections on the record.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF113_1_CTS 8 binary Time when the hardware data collection run started in STCK format
8 8 SMF113_1_CTM 8 binary Time when this SMF record was written in STCK format.
16 10 SMF113_1_CpuId 2 binary Processor ID for which the hardware counters are recorded. Note that zero is a valid processor number.
18 12 SMF113_1_CpuProcClass 1 binary The processor type for which the hardware event counters are recorded. Is one of the following:
Standard CP
19 13   1 binary Reserved.
20 14 SMF113_1_CpuSpeed 4 binary Processor speed for which the event counters are recorded. Speed is in cycles/microsecond.
24 18 SMF113_1_MachType 4 EBCDIC The machine type.
28 1C SMF113_1_MachModel 16 EBCDIC The machine model.
44 2C SMF113_1_CtrVersion0 2 binary Zero counter version number. This number is increased when there is a change to the meaning of a counter in the z/OS® counter set.
46 2E SMF113_1_CtrVersion1 2 binary First counter version number. This number is increased when there is a change to the meaning of a counter or the number of installed counters in the Basic or Problem-state counter sets.
48 30 SMF113_1_CtrVersion2 2 binary Second counter version number. This number is increased when there is a change to the meaning of a counter or the number of installed counters in the Crypto-activity or Extended Start of changeor MT-diagnosticEnd of change counter sets.
50 32 SMF113_1_FlagsStart of change2End of change 2 binary Record flags:
Meaning when set
The hardware indicated the hardware has lost counter data during the current interval.
Start of change1End of change
Start of changeThe hardware indicated the hardware has lost MT counter data during the current interval.End of change
Self-defining section
52 34 SMF113_1_CSOF 4 binary Offset to counter set section, from beginning of r SMF record type 113.
56 38 SMF113_1_CSLN 2 binary Length of counter set section.
58 3A SMF113_1_CSON 2 binary Number of counter set sections.
Start of change60End of change Start of change3CEnd of change Start of changeSMF113_1_SeqCodeEnd of change Start of change16End of change Start of changeEBCDICEnd of change Start of changeThe machine sequence code.End of change
Start of change76End of change Start of change4CEnd of change Start of changeSMF113_1_CoreIdEnd of change Start of change2End of change Start of changebinaryEnd of change Start of changeCore ID for which the hardware event counters are recorded. Note that zero is a valid core ID number.End of change