HFS File System Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R746FSNM 44 EBCDIC File system name (cataloged dataset name).
44 2C R746FSNL 1 binary Length of file system name.
45 2D R746FSFL 1 binary Status flags.
Meaning when set
No HFS file system statistics.
Mount time changed.
File system now mounted.
46 2E   2   Reserved.
48 30 R746FCTM 8 EBCDIC Current time stamp (when was data obtained).
56 38 R746FMTM 8 EBCDIC Mount time stamp.
64 40 R746FSF 4 binary Size of file system (in pages).
68 44 R746FPF 4 binary Number of pages internally used by HFS.
72 48 R746FPD 4 binary Number of pages used for the attribute directory.
76 4C R746FPC 4 binary Number of data buffer pages cached by this file system.
80 50 R746FSFI 8 l_float Number of sequential file data I/O requests issued.
88 58 R746FRFI 8 l_float Number of random file data I/O requests issued.
96 60 R746FMC 8 l_float Number of times the metadata for a file was found in virtual storage (cache) during file lookup.
104 68 R746FMNC 8 l_float Number of times the metadata for a file was not found in virtual storage (cache) during file lookup and an index call was necessary which may result in an I/O.
112 70 R746F1C 8 l_float Number of times the first page of a data file was requested and found in virtual storage (cache).
120 78 R746F1NC 8 l_float Number of times the first page of a data file was requested and not found in virtual storage (cache) and an I/O was necessary.
128 80 R746FINT 8 l_float Number of index new tops.
136 88 R746FIS 8 l_float Number of index splits.
144 90 R746FIJ 8 l_float Number of index joins.
152 98 R746FIRH 8 l_float Number of index page read hits.
160 A0 R746FIRM 8 l_float Number of index page read misses.
168 A8 R746FIWH 8 l_float Number of index page write hits.
176 B0 R746FIWM 8 l_float Number of index page write misses.
184 B8 R746FSRC 4 binary Return code from OMVS BPX1PCT for DisplayFSStats command.
188 BC R746FSRS 4 binary Reason code from OMVS BPX1PCT for DisplayFSStats command.