DFSMSrmm security records section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF420NA 120 Structure  
0 0 SMF42NJBN 8 EBCDIC Job name.
8 8 SMF42NRST 4 binary Reader start time in hundredths of a second.
12 C SMF42NRSD 4 packed Reader start date in the form 0cyydddF.
16 10 SMF42NUIF 8 EBCDIC User identification.
24 18 SMF42NUID 8 EBCDIC RACF® user ID.
32 20 SMF42NCGP 8 EBCDIC RACF connect group.
40 28 SMF42NVER 1 EBCDIC Record version identifier (2).
41 29 SMF42NACT 1 EBCDIC Activity type:

C - Data set create

E - Data set extend

U - Data set update

R - Data set read access

D - Data set delete

42 2A SMF42NSTP 1 binary Security type.
43 2B * 1 EBCDIC Reserved.
44 2C SMF42NDSN 44 EBCDIC Data set name.
88 58 SMF42NVOL 6 EBCDIC Volume serial number.
94 5E SMF42NUNT 8 EBCDIC Device type.
102 66 SMF42NDSQ 2 Unsigned Data set sequence number.
104 68 SMF42NVSQ 2 Unsigned Volume sequence number.
112 70 SMF42NLDTO 8 EBCDIC Local time/date offset.
120 78 SMF42NEND 0 EBCDIC 1st data section end.