BMF totals section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF42TNA 4 binary Total number of storage classes.
4 4 SMF42TMT 4 binary Interval length. This is the elapsed time of the measurement period in seconds.
8 8 SMF42TRT 4 binary Total number of member data page reads.
12 C SMF42TRH 4 binary Total number of member data page read hits handled by BMF.
16 10 SMF42TDT 4 binary Total number of directory data page reads.
20 14 SMF42TDH 4 binary Total number of directory data page read hits handled by BMF.
24 18 SMF42BUF 4 binary Total number of active BMF 4K buffers.
28 1C SMF42BMX 4 binary High water mark of BMF buffers.
32 20 SMF42LRU 2 binary BMF LRU interval time.
34 22 SMF42UIC 2 binary BMF LRU cycles until inactive buffers are cast out.