Extent Information Section

This section contains the last extent with the high allocated CI for:

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF64FCC 4 binary Beginning cylinder and track, in the form CCHH where CC is the cylinder number and HH is the track number.
4 4 SMF64TCC 4 binary Ending cylinder and track, in the form CCHH where CC is the cylinder number and HH is the track number.
8 8 SMF64VSN 6 EBCDIC Volume serial number of the volume containing the extent.
14 E SMF64CUU 2 binary Device number.
16 10 SMF64IND 2 EBCDIC Spindle identification.
18 12 SMF64UTY 4 binary Unit type.
22 16 SMF64RV1 4   Reserved.
The statistics section contains:

The statistics section includes information on the number of execute channel programs (EXCP). For more information about how EXCP count is determined, see EXCP Count.