Statements/parameters for IVTPRM00

Defines the maximum amount of storage dedicated to fixed CSM buffers.
A decimal integer specifying the maximum bytes of fixed storage dedicated to CSM use.

Valid Range: 1024K to 30720M

Default Value: 100M

  1. K indicates kilobytes, M indicates megabytes.
  2. You must code only one blank between the keywords FIXED and MAX. If more than one blank appears between these keywords, the system ignores the statement as a comment and no syntax error message is generated. In this case, the system uses the default value of 100M.
  3. The FIXED MAX statement must be completed one line.
  4. No blanks should be coded between the keyword MAX and "(".
Defines the maximum amount of storage dedicated to ECSA CSM buffers.
A decimal integer specifying the maximum bytes of ECSA storage dedicated to CSM use.

Valid Range: 1024K to 2048M

Default Value: 100M

  1. K indicates kilobytes, M indicates megabytes.
  2. You must code only one blank between the keywords ECSA and MAX. If more than one blank appears between these keywords, the system ignores the statement as a comment and no syntax error message is generated. In this case, the system uses the default value of 100M.
  3. The ECSA MAX statement must be completed one line.
  4. No blanks should be coded between the keyword MAX and "(".
One POOL definition can be specified for each CSM buffer pool of a particular bufsize and bufsource combination.
The size of the buffers in the pool to be created.

Valid Range: 4K, 16K, 32K, 60K, 180K

Default Value: None (valid range value required).

The storage source from which buffers are allocated. The values are:
Buffers are allocated from ECSA storage.
Buffers are allocated from data space storage.
The initial number of buffers created in the pool when the first IVTCSM REQUEST=CREATE_POOL macro is issued by an application. If zero is specified, only the base pool structure is created and the pool is expanded on the first IVTSCSM REQUEST=GET_BUFFER based on the expbuf specification. The pool is not reduced below the level specified by either initbuf or expbuf, whichever is higher.

Valid Range: 0 - 9999

Default Value: IBM-supplied default unless overridden by a CREATE_POOL request.

The minimum number of free buffers allowed in the pool at any time. The storage pool is expanded the the value specified in expbuf if the number of free buffers falls below this limit.

Valid Range: 0 - 9999

Default Value: IBM-supplied default unless overridden by a CREATE_POOL request.

The number of free buffers by which the pool is expanded when the free buffers fall below the minfree value.
Valid Range:
   Bufsize    Expbuf Range
       4K     1 - 256
      16K     1 - 256
      32K     1 - 128
      60K     1 - 68
     180K     1 - 22

Default Value: None.