OMVS={nn     }
     {(nn)   }
This parameter specifies the parmlib member or members to use to locate the parmlib statements to configure the kernel.

nn specifies the BPXPRMnn parmlib member and (nn,mm) specifies the set of parmlib members BPXPRMnn and BPXPRMmm. If you specify more than one parmlib member, any redundant parmlib statement data found in a later member in the list is ignored.

Specifying OMVS=DEFAULT indicates that the kernel is to be started in its minimum configuration mode with all parmlib statements taking their default values.


This parameter provides the ability to easily reconfigure a large set of z/OS® UNIX system characteristics and to provide the ability to keep the reconfiguration settings in a permanent location for subsequent reuse or reference. For more information about setting your parmlib values, see z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.

Value Range: Any two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $).

Default Value: DEFAULT

Associated Parmlib Member: BPXPRMxx